Package 'FDboost'

Title: Boosting Functional Regression Models
Description: Regression models for functional data, i.e., scalar-on-function, function-on-scalar and function-on-function regression models, are fitted by a component-wise gradient boosting algorithm. For a manual on how to use 'FDboost', see Brockhaus, Ruegamer, Greven (2017) <doi:10.18637/jss.v094.i10>.
Authors: Sarah Brockhaus [aut], David Ruegamer [aut, cre], Almond Stoecker [aut], Torsten Hothorn [ctb], with contributions by many others (see inst/CONTRIBUTIONS) [ctb]
Maintainer: David Ruegamer <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 1.1-1
Built: 2025-02-15 05:56:58 UTC

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FDboost: Boosting Functional Regression Models


Regression models for functional data, i.e., scalar-on-function, function-on-scalar and function-on-function regression models, are fitted by a component-wise gradient boosting algorithm.


This package is intended to fit regression models with functional variables. It is possible to fit models with functional response and/or functional covariates, resulting in scalar-on-function, function-on-scalar and function-on-function regression. Furthermore, the package can be used to fit density-on-scalar regression models. Details on the functional regression models that can be fitted with FDboost can be found in Brockhaus et al. (2015, 2017, 2018) and Ruegamer et al. (2018). A hands-on tutorial for the package can be found in Brockhaus, Ruegamer and Greven (2020), see <doi:10.18637/jss.v094.i10>. For density-on-scalar regression models see Maier et al. (2021).

Using component-wise gradient boosting as fitting procedure, FDboost relies on the R package mboost (Hothorn et al., 2017). A comprehensive tutorial to mboost is given in Hofner et al. (2014).

The main fitting function is FDboost. The model complexity is controlled by the number of boosting iterations (mstop). Like the fitting procedures in mboost, the function FDboost DOES NOT select an appropriate stopping iteration. This must be chosen by the user. The user can determine an adequate stopping iteration by resampling methods like cross-validation or bootstrap. This can be done using the function applyFolds.

Aside from common effect surface plots, tensor product factorization via the function factorize presents an alternative tool for visualization of estimated effects for non-linear function-on-scalar models (Stoecker, Steyer and Greven (2022), After factorization, effects are decomposed multiple scalar effects into functional main effect directions, which can be separately plotted allowing to visualize more complex effect structures.


Sarah Brockhaus, David Ruegamer and Almond Stoecker


Brockhaus, S., Ruegamer, D. and Greven, S. (2020): Boosting Functional Regression Models with FDboost. Journal of Statistical Software, 94(10), 1–50. <doi:10.18637/jss.v094.i10>

Brockhaus, S., Scheipl, F., Hothorn, T. and Greven, S. (2015): The functional linear array model. Statistical Modelling, 15(3), 279-300.

Brockhaus, S., Melcher, M., Leisch, F. and Greven, S. (2017): Boosting flexible functional regression models with a high number of functional historical effects, Statistics and Computing, 27(4), 913-926.

Brockhaus, S., Fuest, A., Mayr, A. and Greven, S. (2018): Signal regression models for location, scale and shape with an application to stock returns. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 67, 665-686.

Hothorn T., Buehlmann P., Kneib T., Schmid M., and Hofner B. (2017). mboost: Model-Based Boosting, R package version 2.8-1,

Hofner, B., Mayr, A., Robinzonov, N., Schmid, M. (2014). Model-based Boosting in R: A Hands-on Tutorial Using the R Package mboost. Computational Statistics, 29, 3-35.

Maier, E.-M., Stoecker, A., Fitzenberger, B., Greven, S. (2021): Additive Density-on-Scalar Regression in Bayes Hilbert Spaces with an Application to Gender Economics. arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.11771.

Ruegamer D., Brockhaus, S., Gentsch K., Scherer, K., Greven, S. (2018). Boosting factor-specific functional historical models for the detection of synchronization in bioelectrical signals. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 67, 621-642.

Stoecker A., Steyer L., Greven S. (2022): Functional Additive Models on Manifolds of Planar Shapes and Forms. arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.02624.

See Also

FDboost for the main fitting function and applyFolds for model tuning via resampling methods.

Extract or replace parts of a hmatrix-object


Operator acting on hmatrix preserving the attributes when rows are extracted.


## S3 method for class 'hmatrix'
x[i, j, ..., drop = FALSE]



object from which to extract element(s) or in which to replace element(s).

i, j

indices specifying elements to extract or replace. Indices are numeric vectors or empty (missing) or NULL. Numeric values are coerced to integer as by as.integer (and hence truncated towards zero).


not used


If TRUE the result is coerced to the lowest possible dimension (or just a matrix). This only works for extracting elements, not for the replacement, defaults to FALSE.


If used on columns or rows/columns a matrix is returned. If used on rows only, i.e. x[i,] an object of class hmatrix is returned. The id is changed so that it runs from 1, ..., nNew, where nNew is the number of different id values in the new hmatrix-object. From the functional covariate x rows are selected accordingly.


a "hmatrix" object

See Also


Constrained row tensor product


Combining single base-learners to form new, more complex base-learners, with an identifiability constraint to center the interaction around the intercept and around the two main effects. Suitable for functional response.


bl1 %Xc% bl2



base-learner 1, e.g. bols(x1)


base-learner 2, e.g. bols(x2)


Similar to %X% in package mboost, see %X%, a row tensor product of linear base-learners is returned by %Xc%. %Xc% applies a sum-to-zero constraint to the design matrix suitable for functional response if an interaction of two scalar covariates is specified in the case that the model contains a global intercept and both main effects, as the interaction is centered around the intercept and centered around the two main effects. See Web Appendix A of Brockhaus et al. (2015) for details on how to enforce the constraint for the functional intercept. Use, e.g., in a model call to FDboost, following the scheme, y ~ 1 + bolsc(x1) + bolsc(x2) + bols(x1) %Xc% bols(x2), where 1 induces a global intercept and x1, x2 are factor variables, see Ruegamer et al. (2018).


An object of class blg (base-learner generator) with a dpp function as for other baselearners.


Sarah Brockhaus, David Ruegamer


Brockhaus, S., Scheipl, F., Hothorn, T. and Greven, S. (2015): The functional linear array model. Statistical Modelling, 15(3), 279-300.

Ruegamer D., Brockhaus, S., Gentsch K., Scherer, K., Greven, S. (2018). Boosting factor-specific functional historical models for the detection of synchronization in bioelectrical signals. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 67, 621-642.


######## Example for function-on-scalar-regression with interaction effect of two scalar covariates 
data("viscosity", package = "FDboost") 
## set time-interval that should be modeled
interval <- "101"

## model time until "interval" and take log() of viscosity
end <- which(viscosity$timeAll == as.numeric(interval))
viscosity$vis <- log(viscosity$visAll[,1:end])
viscosity$time <- viscosity$timeAll[1:end]
# with(viscosity, funplot(time, vis, pch = 16, cex = 0.2))

## fit model with interaction that is centered around the intercept 
## and the two main effects 
mod1 <- FDboost(vis ~ 1 + bolsc(T_C, df=1) + bolsc(T_A, df=1) + 
                bols(T_C, df=1) %Xc% bols(T_A, df=1),
                timeformula = ~bbs(time, df=6),
                numInt = "equal", family = QuantReg(),
                offset = NULL, offset_control = o_control(k_min = 9),
                data = viscosity, control=boost_control(mstop = 100, nu = 0.4))
## check centering around intercept
colMeans(predict(mod1, which = 4))

## check centering around main effects
colMeans(predict(mod1, which = 4)[viscosity$T_A == "low", ])
colMeans(predict(mod1, which = 4)[viscosity$T_A == "high", ])
colMeans(predict(mod1, which = 4)[viscosity$T_C == "low", ])
colMeans(predict(mod1, which = 4)[viscosity$T_C == "low", ])

## find optimal mstop using cvrsik() or validateFDboost()
## ... 

## look at interaction effect in one plot
# funplot(mod1$yind, predict(mod1, which=4))

Kronecker product or row tensor product of two base-learners with anisotropic penalty


Kronecker product or row tensor product of two base-learners allowing for anisotropic penalties. For the Kronecker product, %A% works in the general case, %A0% for the special case where the penalty is zero in one direction. For the row tensor product, %Xa0% works for the special case where the penalty is zero in one direction.


bl1 %A% bl2

bl1 %A0% bl2

bl1 %Xa0% bl2



base-learner 1, e.g. bbs(x1)


base-learner 2, e.g. bbs(x2)


When %O% is called with a specification of df in both base-learners, e.g. bbs(x1, df = df1) %O% bbs(t, df = df2), the global df for the Kroneckered base-learner is computed as df = df1 * df2. And thus the penalty has only one smoothness parameter lambda resulting in an isotropic penalty,

P=lambda[(P1oI)+(IoP2)],P = lambda * [(P1 o I) + (I o P2)],

with overall penalty PP, Kronecker product oo, marginal penalty matrices P1,P2P1, P2 and identity matrices II. (Currie et al. (2006) introduced the generalized linear array model, which has a design matrix that is composed of the Kronecker product of two marginal design matrices, which was implemented in mboost as %O%. See Brockhaus et al. (2015) for the application of array models to functional data.)

In contrast, a Kronecker product with anisotropic penalty is obtained by %A%, which allows for a different amount of smoothness in the two directions. For example bbs(x1, df = df1) %A% bbs(t, df = df2) results in computing two different values for lambda for the two marginal design matrices and a global value of lambda to adjust for the global df, i.e.

P=lambda[(lambda1P1oI)+(Iolambda2P2)],P = lambda * [(lambda1 * P1 o I) + (I o lambda2 * P2)],

with Kronecker product oo, where lambda1lambda1 is computed individually for df1df1 and P1P1, lambda2lambda2 is computed individually for df2df2 and P2P2, and lambdalambda is computed such that the global dfdf hold df=df1df2df = df1 * df2. For the computation of lambda1lambda1 and lambda2lambda2 weights specified in the model call can only be used when the weights, are such that they are specified on the level of rows and columns of the response matrix Y, e.g. resampling weights on the level of rows of Y and integration weights on the columns of Y are possible. If this the weights cannot be separated to blg1 and blg2 all weights are set to 1 for the computation of lambda1lambda1 and lambda2lambda2 which implies that lambda1lambda1 and lambda2lambda2 are equal over folds of cvrisk. The computation of the global lambdalambda considers the specified weights, such the global dfdf are correct.

The operator %A0% treats the important special case where lambda1=0lambda1 = 0 or lambda2=0lambda2 = 0. In this case it suffices to compute the global lambda and computation gets faster and arbitrary weights can be specified. Consider lambda1=0lambda1 = 0 then the penalty becomes

P=lambda[(1P1oI)+(Iolambda2P2)]=lambdalambda2(IoP2),P = lambda * [(1 * P1 o I) + (I o lambda2 * P2)] = lambda * lambda2 * (I o P2),

and only one global lambdalambda is computed which is then lambdalambda2lambda * lambda2.

If the formula in FDboost contains base-learners connected by %O%, %A% or %A0%, those effects are not expanded with timeformula, allowing for model specifications with different effects in time-direction.

%Xa0% computes like %X% the row tensor product of two base-learners, with the difference that it sets the penalty for one direction to zero. Thus, %Xa0% behaves to %X% analogously like %A0% to %O%.


An object of class blg (base-learner generator) with a dpp function as for other baselearners.


Brockhaus, S., Scheipl, F., Hothorn, T. and Greven, S. (2015): The functional linear array model. Statistical Modelling, 15(3), 279-300.

Currie, I.D., Durban, M. and Eilers P.H.C. (2006): Generalized linear array models with applications to multidimensional smoothing. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B-Statistical Methodology, 68(2), 259-280.


######## Example for anisotropic penalty  
data("viscosity", package = "FDboost") 
## set time-interval that should be modeled
interval <- "101"

## model time until "interval" and take log() of viscosity
end <- which(viscosity$timeAll == as.numeric(interval))
viscosity$vis <- log(viscosity$visAll[,1:end])
viscosity$time <- viscosity$timeAll[1:end]
# with(viscosity, funplot(time, vis, pch = 16, cex = 0.2))

## isotropic penalty, as timeformula is kroneckered to each effect using %O% 
## only for the smooth intercept %A0% is used, as 1-direction should not be penalized 
mod1 <- FDboost(vis ~ 1 + 
                bolsc(T_C, df = 1) + 
                bolsc(T_A, df = 1) + 
                bols(T_C, df = 1) %Xc% bols(T_A, df = 1),
                timeformula = ~ bbs(time, df = 3),
                numInt = "equal", family = QuantReg(),
                offset = NULL, offset_control = o_control(k_min = 9),
                data = viscosity, control=boost_control(mstop = 100, nu = 0.4))
## cf. the formula that is passed to mboost

## anisotropic effects using %A0%, as lambda1 = 0 for all base-learners
## in this case using %A% gives the same model, but three lambdas are computed explicitly 
mod1a <- FDboost(vis ~ 1 + 
                bolsc(T_C, df = 1) %A0% bbs(time, df = 3) + 
                bolsc(T_A, df = 1) %A0% bbs(time, df = 3) + 
                bols(T_C, df = 1) %Xc% bols(T_A, df = 1) %A0% bbs(time, df = 3),
                timeformula = ~ bbs(time, df = 3),
                numInt = "equal", family = QuantReg(),
                offset = NULL, offset_control = o_control(k_min = 9),
                data = viscosity, control=boost_control(mstop = 100, nu = 0.4)) 
## cf. the formula that is passed to mboost

## alternative model specification by using a 0-matrix as penalty 
## only works for bolsc() as in bols() one cannot specify K 
## -> model without interaction term 
K0 <- matrix(0, ncol = 2, nrow = 2)
mod1k0 <- FDboost(vis ~ 1 + 
                 bolsc(T_C, df = 1, K = K0) +
                 bolsc(T_A, df = 1, K = K0), 
                 timeformula = ~ bbs(time, df = 3), 
                 numInt = "equal", family = QuantReg(), 
                 offset = NULL, offset_control = o_control(k_min = 9), 
                 data = viscosity, control=boost_control(mstop = 100, nu = 0.4))
## cf. the formula that is passed to mboost
## optimize mstop for mod1, mod1a and mod1k0
## ...
## compare estimated coefficients

oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(4, 2))
plot(mod1, which = 1)
plot(mod1a, which = 1)
plot(mod1, which = 2)
plot(mod1a, which = 2)
plot(mod1, which = 3)
plot(mod1a, which = 3)
funplot(mod1$yind, predict(mod1, which=4))
funplot(mod1$yind, predict(mod1a, which=4))

Cross-Validation and Bootstrapping over Curves


Cross-validation and bootstrapping over curves to compute the empirical risk for hyper-parameter selection.


  folds = cv(rep(1, length(unique(object$id))), type = "bootstrap"),
  grid = 1:mstop(object),
  fun = NULL,
  riskFun = NULL,
  numInt = object$numInt,
  papply = mclapply,
  mc.preschedule = FALSE,
  showProgress = TRUE,
  compress = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'FDboost'
  folds = cvLong(id = object$id, weights = model.weights(object)),
  grid = 1:mstop(object),
  papply = mclapply,
  fun = NULL,
  mc.preschedule = FALSE,

  weights = rep(1, l = length(id)),
  type = c("bootstrap", "kfold", "subsampling", "curves"),
  B = ifelse(type == "kfold", 10, 25),
  prob = 0.5,
  strata = NULL

  weights = rep(1, l = ydim[1] * ydim[2]),
  type = c("bootstrap", "kfold", "subsampling", "curves"),
  B = ifelse(type == "kfold", 10, 25),
  prob = 0.5,
  strata = NULL,



fitted FDboost-object


a weight matrix with number of rows equal to the number of observed trajectories.


the grid over which the optimal number of boosting iterations (mstop) is searched.


if fun is NULL, the out-of-bag risk is returned. fun, as a function of object, may extract any other characteristic of the cross-validated models. These are returned as is.


only exists in applyFolds; allows to compute other risk functions than the risk of the family that was specified in object. Must be specified as function of arguments (y, f, w = 1), where y is the observed response, f is the prediction from the model and w is the weight. The risk function must return a scalar numeric value for vector valued input.


only exists in applyFolds; the scheme for numerical integration, see numInt in FDboost.


(parallel) apply function, defaults to mclapply from R package parallel, see cvrisk for details.


Defaults to FALSE. Preschedule tasks if they are parallelized using mclapply. For details see mclapply.


logical, defaults to TRUE.


logical, defaults to FALSE. Only used to force a meaningful behaviour of applyFolds with hmatrix objects when using nested resampling.


further arguments passed to the (parallel) apply function.


the id-vector as integers 1, 2, ... specifying which observations belong to the same curve, deprecated in cvMa().


a numeric vector of (integration) weights, defaults to 1.


character argument for specifying the cross-validation method. Currently (stratified) bootstrap, k-fold cross-validation, subsampling and leaving-one-curve-out cross validation (i.e. jack knife on curves) are implemented.


number of folds, per default 25 for bootstrap and subsampling and 10 for kfold.


percentage of observations to be included in the learning samples for subsampling.


a factor of the same length as weights for stratification.


dimensions of response-matrix


The number of boosting iterations is an important hyper-parameter of boosting. It be chosen using the functions applyFolds or cvrisk.FDboost. Those functions compute honest, i.e., out-of-bag, estimates of the empirical risk for different numbers of boosting iterations. The weights (zero weights correspond to test cases) are defined via the folds matrix, see cvrisk in package mboost.

In case of functional response, we recommend to use applyFolds. It recomputes the model in each fold using FDboost. Thus, all parameters are recomputed, including the smooth offset (if present) and the identifiability constraints (if present, only relevant for bolsc, brandomc and bbsc). Note, that the function applyFolds expects folds that give weights per curve without considering integration weights.

The function cvrisk.FDboost is a wrapper for cvrisk in package mboost. It overrides the default for the folds, so that the folds are sampled on the level of curves (not on the level of single observations, which does not make sense for functional response). Note that the smooth offset and the computation of the identifiability constraints are not part of the refitting if cvrisk is used. Per default the integration weights of the model fit are used to compute the prediction errors (as the integration weights are part of the default folds). Note that in cvrisk the weights are rescaled to sum up to one.

The functions cvMa and cvLong can be used to build an appropriate weight matrix for functional response to be used with cvrisk as sampling is done on the level of curves. The probability for each curve to enter a fold is equal over all curves. The function cvMa takes the dimensions of the response matrix as input argument and thus can only be used for regularly observed response. The function cvLong takes the id variable and the weights as arguments and thus can be used for responses in long format that are potentially observed irregularly.

If strata is defined sampling is performed in each stratum separately thus preserving the distribution of the strata variable in each fold.


cvMa and cvLong return a matrix of sampling weights to be used in cvrisk.

The functions applyFolds and cvrisk.FDboost return a cvrisk-object, which is a matrix of the computed out-of-bag risk. The matrix has the folds in rows and the number of boosting iteratins in columns. Furhtermore, the matrix has attributes including:


name of the applied risk function


model call of the model object


gird of stopping iterations that is used


name for the type of folds


Use argument mc.cores = 1L to set the numbers of cores that is used in parallel computation. On Windows only 1 core is possible, mc.cores = 1, which is the default.

See Also

cvrisk to perform cross-validation with scalar response.


Ytest <- matrix(rnorm(15), ncol = 3) # 5 trajectories, each with 3 observations 
Ylong <- as.vector(Ytest)
## 4-folds for bootstrap for the response in long format without integration weights
cvMa(ydim = c(5,3), type = "bootstrap", B = 4)  
cvLong(id = rep(1:5, times = 3), type = "bootstrap", B = 4)

 ## load the data
 data("CanadianWeather", package = "fda")
 ## use data on a daily basis 
 canada <- with(CanadianWeather, 
                list(temp = t(dailyAv[ , , "Temperature.C"]),
                     l10precip = t(dailyAv[ , , "log10precip"]),
                     l10precip_mean = log(colMeans(dailyAv[ , , ""]), base = 10),
                     lat = coordinates[ , "N.latitude"],
                     lon = coordinates[ , "W.longitude"],
                     region = factor(region),
                     place = factor(place),
                     day = 1:365,  ## corresponds to t: evaluation points of the fun. response 
                     day_s = 1:365))  ## corresponds to s: evaluation points of the fun. covariate
## center temperature curves per day 
canada$tempRaw <- canada$temp
canada$temp <- scale(canada$temp, scale = FALSE) 
rownames(canada$temp) <- NULL ## delete row-names 
## fit the model  
mod <- FDboost(l10precip ~ 1 + bolsc(region, df = 4) + 
                 bsignal(temp, s = day_s, cyclic = TRUE, boundary.knots = c(0.5, 365.5)), 
               timeformula = ~ bbs(day, cyclic = TRUE, boundary.knots = c(0.5, 365.5)), 
               data = canada)
mod <- mod[75]

  #### create folds for 3-fold bootstrap: one weight for each curve
  folds_bs <- cv(weights = rep(1, mod$ydim[1]), type = "bootstrap", B = 3)

  ## compute out-of-bag risk on the 3 folds for 1 to 75 boosting iterations  
  cvr <- applyFolds(mod, folds = folds_bs, grid = 1:75)

  ## weights per observation point  
  folds_bs_long <- folds_bs[rep(1:nrow(folds_bs), times = mod$ydim[2]), ]
  attr(folds_bs_long, "type") <- "3-fold bootstrap"
  ## compute out-of-bag risk on the 3 folds for 1 to 75 boosting iterations  
  cvr3 <- cvrisk(mod, folds = folds_bs_long, grid = 1:75)

  ## plot the out-of-bag risk
  oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1,3))
  plot(cvr); legend("topright", lty=2, paste(mstop(cvr)))
  plot(cvr3); legend("topright", lty=2, paste(mstop(cvr3)))


Constrained Base-learners for Scalar Covariates


Constrained base-learners for fitting effects of scalar covariates in models with functional response


  by = NULL,
  index = NULL,
  knots = 10,
  boundary.knots = NULL,
  degree = 3,
  differences = 2,
  df = 4,
  lambda = NULL,
  center = FALSE,
  cyclic = FALSE

  by = NULL,
  index = NULL,
  intercept = TRUE,
  df = NULL,
  lambda = 0,
  K = NULL,
  weights = NULL,
  contrasts.arg = "contr.treatment"

brandomc(..., contrasts.arg = "contr.dummy", df = 4)



one or more predictor variables or one matrix or data frame of predictor variables.


an optional variable defining varying coefficients, either a factor or numeric variable.


a vector of integers for expanding the variables in ....


either the number of knots or a vector of the positions of the interior knots (for more details see bbs).


boundary points at which to anchor the B-spline basis (default the range of the data). A vector (of length 2) for the lower and the upper boundary knot can be specified.


degree of the regression spline.


a non-negative integer, typically 1, 2 or 3. If differences = k, k-th-order differences are used as a penalty (0-th order differences specify a ridge penalty).


trace of the hat matrix for the base-learner defining the base-learner complexity. Low values of df correspond to a large amount of smoothing and thus to "weaker" base-learners.


smoothing parameter of the penalty, computed from df when df is specified.


See bbs.


if cyclic = TRUE the fitted values coincide at the boundaries (useful for cyclic covariates such as day time etc.).


if intercept = TRUE an intercept is added to the design matrix of a linear base-learner.


in bolsc it is possible to specify the penalty matrix K


experiemtnal! weights that are used for the computation of the transformation matrix Z.


Note that a special contrasts.arg exists in package mboost, namely "contr.dummy". This contrast is used per default in brandomc. It leads to a dummy coding as returned by model.matrix(~ x - 1) were the intercept is implicitly included but each factor level gets a separate effect estimate (for more details see brandom).


The base-learners bbsc, bolsc and brandomc are the base-learners bbs, bols and brandom with additional identifiability constraints. The constraints enforce that ih^(xi,t)=0\sum_{i} \hat h(x_i, t) = 0 for all tt, so that effects varying over tt can be interpreted as deviations from the global functional intercept, see Web Appendix A of Scheipl et al. (2015). The constraint is enforced by a basis transformation of the design and penalty matrix. In particular, it is sufficient to apply the constraint on the covariate-part of the design and penalty matrix and thus, it is not necessary to change the basis in $t$-direction. See Appendix A of Brockhaus et al. (2015) for technical details on how to enforce this sum-to-zero constraint.

Cannot deal with any missing values in the covariates.


Equally to the base-learners of package mboost:

An object of class blg (base-learner generator) with a dpp function (data pre-processing) and other functions.

The call to dpp returns an object of class bl (base-learner) with a fit function. The call to fit finally returns an object of class bm (base-model).


Sarah Brockhaus, Almond Stoecker


Brockhaus, S., Scheipl, F., Hothorn, T. and Greven, S. (2015): The functional linear array model. Statistical Modelling, 15(3), 279-300.

Scheipl, F., Staicu, A.-M. and Greven, S. (2015): Functional Additive Mixed Models, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 24(2), 477-501.

See Also

FDboost for the model fit. bbs, bols and brandom for the corresponding base-learners in mboost.


#### simulate data with functional response and scalar covariate (functional ANOVA)
n <- 60   ## number of cases
Gy <- 27  ## number of observation poionts per response curve 
dat <- list()
dat$t <- (1:Gy-1)^2/(Gy-1)^2
dat$z1 <- rep(c(-1, 1), length = n)
dat$z1_fac <- factor(dat$z1, levels = c(-1, 1), labels = c("1", "2"))
# dat$z1 <- runif(n)
# dat$z1 <- dat$z1 - mean(dat$z1)

# mean and standard deviation for the functional response 
mut <- matrix(2*sin(pi*dat$t), ncol = Gy, nrow = n, byrow = TRUE) + 
        outer(dat$z1, dat$t, function(z1, t) z1*cos(pi*t) ) # true linear predictor
sigma <- 0.1

# draw respone y_i(t) ~ N(mu_i(t), sigma)
dat$y <- apply(mut, 2, function(x) rnorm(mean = x, sd = sigma, n = n)) 

## fit function-on-scalar model with a linear effect of z1
m1 <- FDboost(y ~ 1 + bolsc(z1_fac, df = 1), timeformula = ~ bbs(t, df = 6), data = dat)

# look for optimal mSTOP using cvrisk() or validateFDboost()
cvm <- cvrisk(m1, grid = 1:500)

m1[200] # use 200 boosting iterations 

# plot true and estimated coefficients 
plot(dat$t, 2*sin(pi*dat$t), col = 2, type = "l", main = "intercept")
plot(m1, which = 1, lty = 2, add = TRUE)

plot(dat$t, 1*cos(pi*dat$t), col = 2, type = "l", main = "effect of z1")
lines(dat$t, -1*cos(pi*dat$t), col = 2, type = "l")
plot(m1, which = 2, lty = 2, col = 1, add = TRUE)

Base-learners for Functional Covariates


Base-learners that fit historical functional effects that can be used with the tensor product, as, e.g., hbistx(...) %X% bolsc(...), to form interaction effects (Ruegamer et al., 2018). For expert use only! May show unexpected behavior compared to other base-learners for functional data!


  limits = "s<=t",
  standard = c("no", "time", "length"),
  intFun = integrationWeightsLeft,
  inS = c("smooth", "linear", "constant"),
  inTime = c("smooth", "linear", "constant"),
  knots = 10,
  boundary.knots = NULL,
  degree = 3,
  differences = 1,
  df = 4,
  lambda = NULL,
  penalty = c("ps", "pss"),
  check.ident = FALSE



object of type hmatrix containing time, index and functional covariate; note that timeLab in the hmatrix-object must be equal to the name of the time-variable in timeformula in the FDboost-call


defaults to "s<=t" for an historical effect with s<=t; either one of "s<t" or "s<=t" for [l(t), u(t)] = [T1, t]; otherwise specify limits as a function for integration limits [l(t), u(t)]: function that takes ss as the first and t as the second argument and returns TRUE for combinations of values (s,t) if ss falls into the integration range for the given tt.


the historical effect can be standardized with a factor. "no" means no standardization, "time" standardizes with the current value of time and "lenght" standardizes with the lenght of the integral


specify the function that is used to compute integration weights in s over the functional covariate x(s)x(s)


historical effect can be smooth, linear or constant in s, which is the index of the functional covariates x(s).


historical effect can be smooth, linear or constant in time, which is the index of the functional response y(time).


either the number of knots or a vector of the positions of the interior knots (for more details see bbs).


boundary points at which to anchor the B-spline basis (default the range of the data). A vector (of length 2) for the lower and the upper boundary knot can be specified.


degree of the regression spline.


a non-negative integer, typically 1, 2 or 3. Defaults to 1. If differences = k, k-th-order differences are used as a penalty (0-th order differences specify a ridge penalty).


trace of the hat matrix for the base-learner defining the base-learner complexity. Low values of df correspond to a large amount of smoothing and thus to "weaker" base-learners.


smoothing parameter of the penalty, computed from df when df is specified.


by default, penalty="ps", the difference penalty for P-splines is used, for penalty="pss" the penalty matrix is transformed to have full rank, so called shrinkage approach by Marra and Wood (2011)


use checks for identifiability of the effect, based on Scheipl and Greven (2016); see Brockhaus et al. (2017) for identifiability checks that take into account the integration limits


bhistx implements a base-learner for functional covariates with flexible integration limits l(t), r(t) and the possibility to standardize the effect by 1/t or the length of the integration interval. The effect is stand * int_{l(t)}^{r_{t}} x(s)beta(t,s) ds. The base-learner defaults to a historical effect of the form T1txi(s)beta(t,s)ds\int_{T1}^{t} x_i(s)beta(t,s) ds, where T1T1 is the minimal index of tt of the response Y(t)Y(t). bhistx can only be used if Y(t)Y(t) and x(s)x(s) are observd over the same domain s,t[T1,T2]s,t \in [T1, T2]. The base-learner bhistx can be used to set up complex interaction effects like factor-specific historical effects as discussed in Ruegamer et al. (2018).

Note that the data has to be supplied as a hmatrix object for model fit and predictions.


Equally to the base-learners of package mboost:

An object of class blg (base-learner generator) with a dpp function (dpp, data pre-processing).

The call of dpp returns an object of class bl (base-learner) with a fit function. The call to fit finally returns an object of class bm (base-model).


Brockhaus, S., Melcher, M., Leisch, F. and Greven, S. (2017): Boosting flexible functional regression models with a high number of functional historical effects, Statistics and Computing, 27(4), 913-926.

Marra, G. and Wood, S.N. (2011): Practical variable selection for generalized additive models. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 55, 2372-2387.

Ruegamer D., Brockhaus, S., Gentsch K., Scherer, K., Greven, S. (2018). Boosting factor-specific functional historical models for the detection of synchronization in bioelectrical signals. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 67, 621-642.

Scheipl, F., Staicu, A.-M. and Greven, S. (2015): Functional Additive Mixed Models, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 24(2), 477-501.

Scheipl, F. and Greven, S. (2016): Identifiability in penalized function-on-function regression models. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 10(1), 495-526.

See Also

FDboost for the model fit and bhist for simple hisotorical effects.


## simulate some data from a historical model
## the interaction effect is in this case not necessary
n <- 100
nygrid <- 35
data1 <- pffrSim(scenario = c("int", "ff"), limits = function(s,t){ s <= t }, 
                n = n, nygrid = nygrid)
data1$X1 <- scale(data1$X1, scale = FALSE) ## center functional covariate                  
dataList <- as.list(data1)
dataList$tvals <- attr(data1, "yindex")

## create the hmatrix-object
X1h <- with(dataList, hmatrix(time = rep(tvals, each = n), id = rep(1:n, nygrid), 
                             x = X1, argvals = attr(data1, "xindex"), 
                             timeLab = "tvals", idLab = "wideIndex", 
                             xLab = "myX", argvalsLab = "svals"))
dataList$X1h <- I(X1h)   
dataList$svals <- attr(data1, "xindex")
## add a factor variable 
dataList$zlong <- factor(gl(n = 2, k = n/2, length = n*nygrid), levels = 1:2)  
dataList$z <- factor(gl(n = 2, k = n/2, length = n), levels = 1:2)

## do the model fit with main effect of bhistx() and interaction of bhistx() and bolsc()
mod <- FDboost(Y ~ 1 + bhistx(x = X1h, df = 5, knots = 5) + 
               bhistx(x = X1h, df = 5, knots = 5) %X% bolsc(zlong), 
              timeformula = ~ bbs(tvals, knots = 10), data = dataList)
## alternative parameterization: interaction of bhistx() and bols()
mod <- FDboost(Y ~ 1 + bhistx(x = X1h, df = 5, knots = 5) %X% bols(zlong), 
              timeformula = ~ bbs(tvals, knots = 10), data = dataList)

  # find the optimal mstop over 5-fold bootstrap (small example to reduce run time)
  cv <- cvrisk(mod, folds = cv(model.weights(mod), B = 5))
  appl1 <- applyFolds(mod, folds = cv(rep(1, length(unique(mod$id))), type = "bootstrap", B = 5))

 # plot(mod)


Densities of live births in Germany


birthDistribution contains densities of live births in Germany over the months per year (1950 to 2019) and sex (male and female), resulting in 140 densities.


data(birthDistribution, package = "FDboost")


A list in the correct format to be passed to FDboost for density-on-scalar regression:


A 140 x 12 matrix containing the birth densities in its rows. The first 70 rows correspond to male newborns, the second 70 rows to female ones. Within both of these, the years are ordered increasingly (1950-2019), see also sex and year.


A 140 x 12 matrix containing the clr transformed densities in its rows. Same structure as birth_densities.


A factor vector of length 140 with levels "m" (male) and "f" (female), corresponding to the sex of the newborns for the rows of birth_densities and birth_densities_clr. The first 70 elements are "m", the second 70 "f".


A vector of length 140 containing the integers from 1950 to 2019 two times (c(1950:2019, 1950:2019)), corresponding to the years for the rows of birth_densities and birth_densities_clr.


A vector containing the integers from 1 to 12, corresponding to the months for the columns of birth_densities and birth_densities_clr (domain T\mathcal{T} of the (clr-)densities).

Note that for estimating a density-on-scalar model with FDboost, the clr transformed densities (birth_densities_clr) serve as response, see also the vignette "FDboost_density-on-scalar_births". The original densities (birth_densities) are not needed for estimation, but still included for the sake of completeness.


To compensate for the different lengths of the months, the average number of births per day for each month (by sex and year) was used to compute the birth shares from the absolute birth counts. The 12 shares corresponding to one year and sex form one density in the Bayes Hilbert space B2(δ)=B2(T,A,δ)B^2(\delta) = B^2\left( \mathcal{T}, \mathcal{A}, \delta\right), where T={1,,12}\mathcal{T} = \{1, \ldots, 12\} corresponds to the set of the 12 months, A:=P(T)\mathcal{A} := \mathcal{P}(\mathcal{T}) corresponds to the power set of T\mathcal{T}, and the reference measure δ:=t=112δt\delta := \sum_{t = 1}^{12} \delta_t corresponds to the sum of dirac measures at tTt \in \mathcal{T}.


Statistisches Bundesamt (Destatis), Genesis-Online, data set 12612-0002 (01/18/2021); dl-de/by-2-0; processed by Eva-Maria Maier


Maier, E.-M., Stoecker, A., Fitzenberger, B., Greven, S. (2021): Additive Density-on-Scalar Regression in Bayes Hilbert Spaces with an Application to Gender Economics. arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.11771.

See Also

clr for the (inverse) clr transformation.


data("birthDistribution", package = "FDboost")

# Plot densities
year_col <- rainbow(70, start = 0.5, end = 1)
year_lty <- c(1, 2, 4, 5)
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
funplot(1:12, birthDistribution$birth_densities[1:70, ], ylab = "densities", xlab = "month", 
        xaxp = c(1, 12, 11), pch = 20, col = year_col, lty = year_lty, main = "Male")
funplot(1:12, birthDistribution$birth_densities[71:140, ], ylab = "densities", xlab = "month", 
        xaxp = c(1, 12, 11), pch = 20, col = year_col, lty = year_lty, main = "Female")
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

# fit density-on-scalar model with effects for sex and year
model <- FDboost(birth_densities_clr ~ 1 + bolsc(sex, df = 1) + 
                   bbsc(year, df = 1, differences = 1),
                 # use bbsc() in timeformula to ensure integrate-to-zero constraint
                 timeformula = ~bbsc(month, df = 4, 
                                     # December is followed by January of subsequent year
                                     cyclic = TRUE, 
                                     # knots = {1, ..., 12} with additional boundary knot
                                     # 0 (coinciding with 12) due to cyclic = TRUE
                                     knots = 1:11, boundary.knots = c(0, 12), 
                                     # degree = 1 with these knots yields identity matrix 
                                     # as design matrix
                                     degree = 1),
                 data = birthDistribution, offset = 0, 
                 control = boost_control(mstop = 1000))

# Plotting 'model' yields the clr-transformed effects
par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
plot(model, n1 = 12, n2 = 12)

# Use inverse clr transformation to get effects in Bayes Hilbert space, e.g. for intercept
intercept_clr <- predict(model, which = 1)[1, ]
intercept <- clr(intercept_clr, w = 1, inverse = TRUE)
funplot(1:12, intercept, xlab = "month", xaxp = c(1, 12, 11), pch = 20,
        main = "Intercept", ylab = expression(hat(beta)[0]), id = rep(1, 12))

# Same with predictions
predictions_clr <- predict(model)
predictions <- t(apply(predictions_clr, 1, clr, inverse = TRUE))
pred_ylim <- range(birthDistribution$birth_densities)
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
funplot(1:12, predictions[1:70, ], ylab = "predictions", xlab = "month", ylim = pred_ylim,
        xaxp = c(1, 12, 11), pch = 20, col = year_col, lty = year_lty, main = "Male")
funplot(1:12, predictions[71:140, ], ylab = "predictions", xlab = "month", ylim = pred_ylim,
        xaxp = c(1, 12, 11), pch = 20, col = year_col, lty = year_lty, main = "Female")

Function to compute bootstrap confidence intervals


The model is fitted on bootstrapped samples of the data to compute bootstrapped coefficient estimates. To determine the optimal stopping iteration an inner bootstrap is run within each bootstrap fold. As estimation by boosting shrinks the coefficient estimates towards zero, to bootstrap confidence intervals are biased towards zero.


  which = NULL,
  resampling_fun_outer = NULL,
  resampling_fun_inner = NULL,
  B_outer = 100,
  B_inner = 25,
  type_inner = c("bootstrap", "kfold", "subsampling"),
  levels = c(0.05, 0.95),
  verbose = TRUE,



a fitted model object of class FDboost, for which the confidence intervals should be computed.


a subset of base-learners to take into account for computing confidence intervals.


function for the outer resampling procedure. resampling_fun_outer must be a function with arguments object and fun, where object corresponds to the fitted FDboost object and fun is passed to the fun argument of the resampling function (see examples). If NULL, applyFolds is used with 100-fold boostrap. Further arguments to applyFolds can be passed via .... Although the function can be defined very flexible, it is recommended to use applyFolds and, in particular, not cvrisk, as in this case, weights of the inner and outer fold will interact, probably causing the inner resampling to crash. For bootstrapped confidence intervals the outer function should usually be a bootstrap type of resampling.


function for the inner resampling procudure, which determines the optimal stopping iteration in each fold of the outer resampling procedure. Should be a function with one argument object for the fitted FDboost object. If NULL, cvrisk is used with 25-fold bootstrap.


Number of resampling folds in the outer loop. Argument is overwritten, when a custom resampling_fun_outer is supplied.


Number of resampling folds in the inner loop. Argument is overwritten, when a custom resampling_fun_inner is supplied.


character argument for specifying the cross-validation method for the inner resampling level. Default is "bootstrap". Currently bootstrap, k-fold cross-validation and subsampling are implemented.


the confidence levels required. If NULL, the raw results are returned.


if TRUE, information will be printed in the console


further arguments passed to applyFolds if the default for resampling_fun_outer is used


A list containing the elements raw_results, the quantiles and mstops. In raw_results and quantiles, each baselearner selected with which in turn corresponds to a list element. The quantiles are given as vector, matrix or list of matrices depending on the nature of the effect. In case of functional effects the list element inquantiles is a length(levels) times length(effect) matrix, i.e. the rows correspond to the quantiles. In case of coefficient surfaces, quantiles comprises a list of matrices, where each list element corresponds to a quantile.


Note that parallelization can be achieved by defining the resampling_fun_outer or _inner accordingly. See, e.g., cvrisk on how to parallelize resampling functions or the examples below. Also note that by defining a custum inner or outer resampling function the respective argument B_inner or B_outer is ignored. For models with complex baselearners, e.g., created by combining several baselearners with the Kronecker or row-wise tensor product, it is also recommended to use levels = NULL in order to let the function return the raw results and then manually compute confidence intervals. If a baselearner is not selected in any fold, the function treats its effect as constantly zero.


David Ruegamer, Sarah Brockhaus


# model with linear functional effect, use bsignal()
# Y(t) = f(t) + \int X1(s)\beta(s,t)ds + eps
data1 <- pffrSim(scenario = "ff", n = 40)
data1$X1 <- scale(data1$X1, scale = FALSE)
dat_list <- as.list(data1)
dat_list$t <- attr(data1, "yindex")
dat_list$s <- attr(data1, "xindex")

## model fit by FDboost 
m1 <- FDboost(Y ~ 1 + bsignal(x = X1, s = s, knots = 8, df = 3), 
              timeformula = ~ bbs(t, knots = 8), data = dat_list)

# a short toy example with to few folds  
# and up to 200 boosting iterations 
bootCIs <- bootstrapCI(m1[200], B_inner = 2, B_outer = 5) 

# look at stopping iterations

# plot bootstrapped coefficient estimates
plot(bootCIs, ask = FALSE)

my_inner_fun <- function(object){ 
cvrisk(object, folds = cvLong(id = object$id, weights = 
model.weights(object), B = 2) # 10-fold for inner resampling

bootCIs <- bootstrapCI(m1, resampling_fun_inner = my_inner_fun, 
                       B_outer = 5) # small B_outer to speed up

## We can also use the ... argument to parallelize the applyFolds
## function in the outer resampling 

bootCIs <- bootstrapCI(m1, B_inner = 5, B_outer = 3)

## Now let's parallelize the outer resampling and use 
## crossvalidation instead of bootstrap for the inner resampling

my_inner_fun <- function(object){ 
cvrisk(object, folds = cvLong(id = object$id, weights = 
model.weights(object), type = "kfold", # use CV
B = 5, # 5-fold for inner resampling
)) # use five cores

# use applyFolds for outer function to avoid messing up weights
my_outer_fun <- function(object, fun){
applyFolds(object = object,
folds = cv(rep(1, length(unique(object$id))), 
type = "bootstrap", B = 10), fun = fun) # parallelize on 10 cores

bootCIs <- bootstrapCI(m1, resampling_fun_inner = my_inner_fun,
                       resampling_fun_outer = my_outer_fun,
                       B_inner = 5, B_outer = 10) 

######## Example for scalar-on-function-regression with bsignal() 
data("fuelSubset", package = "FDboost")

## center the functional covariates per observed wavelength
fuelSubset$UVVIS <- scale(fuelSubset$UVVIS, scale = FALSE)
fuelSubset$NIR <- scale(fuelSubset$NIR, scale = FALSE)

## to make mboost:::df2lambda() happy (all design matrix entries < 10)
## reduce range of argvals to [0,1] to get smaller integration weights
fuelSubset$uvvis.lambda <- with(fuelSubset, (uvvis.lambda - min(uvvis.lambda)) /
(max(uvvis.lambda) - min(uvvis.lambda) ))
fuelSubset$nir.lambda <- with(fuelSubset, (nir.lambda - min(nir.lambda)) /
(max(nir.lambda) - min(nir.lambda) ))

## model fit with scalar response and two functional linear effects 
## include no intercept as all base-learners are centered around 0    

mod2 <- FDboost(heatan ~ bsignal(UVVIS, uvvis.lambda, knots = 40, df = 4, check.ident = FALSE) 
               + bsignal(NIR, nir.lambda, knots = 40, df=4, check.ident = FALSE), 
               timeformula = NULL, data = fuelSubset) 

# takes some time, because of defaults: B_outer = 100, B_inner = 25
bootCIs <- bootstrapCI(mod2, B_outer = 10, B_inner = 5)
           # in practice, rather set B_outer = 1000

Base-learners for Functional Covariates


Base-learners that fit effects of functional covariates.


  index = NULL,
  inS = c("smooth", "linear", "constant"),
  knots = 10,
  boundary.knots = NULL,
  degree = 3,
  differences = 1,
  df = 4,
  lambda = NULL,
  center = FALSE,
  cyclic = FALSE,
  Z = NULL,
  penalty = c("ps", "pss"),
  check.ident = FALSE

  index = NULL,
  knots = 10,
  boundary.knots = NULL,
  degree = 3,
  differences = 1,
  df = 4,
  lambda = NULL,
  cyclic = FALSE

  index = NULL,
  limits = "s<=t",
  standard = c("no", "time", "length"),
  intFun = integrationWeightsLeft,
  inS = c("smooth", "linear", "constant"),
  inTime = c("smooth", "linear", "constant"),
  knots = 10,
  boundary.knots = NULL,
  degree = 3,
  differences = 1,
  df = 4,
  lambda = NULL,
  penalty = c("ps", "pss"),
  check.ident = FALSE

  index = NULL,
  df = 4,
  lambda = NULL,
  penalty = c("identity", "inverse", "no"),
  pve = 0.99,
  npc = NULL,
  npc.max = 15,
  getEigen = TRUE



matrix of functional variable x(s). The functional covariate has to be supplied as n by <no. of evaluations> matrix, i.e., each row is one functional observation.


vector for the index of the functional variable x(s) giving the measurement points of the functional covariate.


a vector of integers for expanding the covariate in x For example, bsignal(X, s, index = index) is equal to bsignal(X[index,], s), where index is an integer of length greater or equal to NROW(x).


the functional effect can be smooth, linear or constant in s, which is the index of the functional covariates x(s).


either the number of knots or a vector of the positions of the interior knots (for more details see bbs).


boundary points at which to anchor the B-spline basis (default the range of the data). A vector (of length 2) for the lower and the upper boundary knot can be specified.


degree of the regression spline.


a non-negative integer, typically 1, 2 or 3. Defaults to 1. If differences = k, k-th-order differences are used as a penalty (0-th order differences specify a ridge penalty).


trace of the hat matrix for the base-learner defining the base-learner complexity. Low values of df correspond to a large amount of smoothing and thus to "weaker" base-learners.


smoothing parameter of the penalty, computed from df when df is specified.


See bbs. The effect is re-parameterized such that the unpenalized part of the fit is subtracted and only the penalized effect is fitted, using a spectral decomposition of the penalty matrix. The unpenalized, parametric part has then to be included in separate base-learners using bsignal(..., inS = 'constant') or bsignal(..., inS = 'linear') for first (difference = 1) and second (difference = 2) order difference penalty respectively. See the help on the argument center of bbs.


if cyclic = TRUE the fitted coefficient function coincides at the boundaries (useful for cyclic covariates such as day time etc.).


a transformation matrix for the design-matrix over the index of the covariate. Z can be calculated as the transformation matrix for a sum-to-zero constraint in the case that all trajectories have the same mean (then a shift in the coefficient function is not identifiable).


for bsignal, by default, penalty = "ps", the difference penalty for P-splines is used, for penalty = "pss" the penalty matrix is transformed to have full rank, so called shrinkage approach by Marra and Wood (2011). For bfpc the penalty can be either "identity" for a ridge penalty (the default) or "inverse" to use the matrix with the inverse eigenvalues on the diagonal as penalty matrix or "no" for no penalty.


use checks for identifiability of the effect, based on Scheipl and Greven (2016) for linear functional effect using bsignal and based on Brockhaus et al. (2017) for historical effects using bhist


vector for the index of the functional response y(time) giving the measurement points of the functional response.


defaults to "s<=t" for an historical effect with s<=t; either one of "s<t" or "s<=t" for [l(t), u(t)] = [T1, t]; otherwise specify limits as a function for integration limits [l(t), u(t)]: function that takes ss as the first and t as the second argument and returns TRUE for combinations of values (s,t) if ss falls into the integration range for the given tt.


the historical effect can be standardized with a factor. "no" means no standardization, "time" standardizes with the current value of time and "length" standardizes with the length of the integral


specify the function that is used to compute integration weights in s over the functional covariate x(s)x(s)


the historical effect can be smooth, linear or constant in time, which is the index of the functional response y(time).


proportion of variance explained by the first K functional principal components (FPCs): used to choose the number of functional principal components (FPCs).


prespecified value for the number K of FPCs (if given, this overrides pve).


maximal number K of FPCs to use; defaults to 15.


save the eigenvalues and eigenvectors, defaults to TRUE.


bsignal() implements a base-learner for functional covariates to estimate an effect of the form xi(s)β(s)ds\int x_i(s)\beta(s)ds. Defaults to a cubic B-spline basis with first difference penalties for β(s)\beta(s) and numerical integration over the entire range by using trapezoidal Riemann weights. If bsignal() is used within FDboost(), the base-learner of timeformula is attached, resulting in an effect varying over the index of the response xi(s)β(s,t)ds\int x_i(s)\beta(s, t)ds if timeformula = bbs(t). The functional variable must be observed on one common grid s.

bconcurrent() implements a concurrent effect for a functional covariate on a functional response, i.e., an effect of the form xi(t)β(t)x_i(t)\beta(t) for a functional response Yi(t)Y_i(t) and concurrently observed covariate xi(t)x_i(t). bconcurrent() can only be used if Y(t)Y(t) and x(s)x(s) are observed over the same domain s,t[T1,T2]s,t \in [T1, T2].

bhist() implements a base-learner for functional covariates with flexible integration limits l(t), r(t) and the possibility to standardize the effect by 1/t or the length of the integration interval. The effect is standl(t)rtx(s)β(t,s)dsstand * \int_{l(t)}^{r_{t}} x(s)\beta(t,s)ds, where standstand is the chosen standardization which defaults to 1. The base-learner defaults to a historical effect of the form T1txi(s)β(t,s)ds\int_{T1}^{t} x_i(s)\beta(t,s)ds, where T1T1 is the minimal index of tt of the response Y(t)Y(t). The functional covariate must be observed on one common grid s. See Brockhaus et al. (2017) for details on historical effects.

bfpc() is a base-learner for a linear effect of functional covariates based on functional principal component analysis (FPCA). For the functional linear effect xi(s)β(s)ds\int x_i(s)\beta(s)ds the functional covariate and the coefficient function are both represented by a FPC basis. The functional covariate x(s)x(s) is decomposed into x(s)k=1KξikΦk(s)x(s) \approx \sum_{k=1}^K \xi_{ik} \Phi_k(s) using for the truncated Karhunen-Loeve decomposition. Then β(s)\beta(s) is represented in the function space spanned by Φk(s)\Phi_k(s), k=1,...,K, see Scheipl et al. (2015) for details. As penalty matrix, the identity matrix is used. The implementation is similar to ffpc.

It is recommended to use centered functional covariates with ixi(s)=0\sum_i x_i(s) = 0 for all ss in bsignal()-, bhist()- and bconcurrent()-terms. For centered covariates, the effects are centered per time-point of the response. If all effects are centered, the functional intercept can be interpreted as the global mean function.

The base-learners for functional covariates cannot deal with any missing values in the covariates.


Equally to the base-learners of package mboost:

An object of class blg (base-learner generator) with a dpp() function (dpp, data pre-processing).

The call of dpp() returns an object of class bl (base-learner) with a fit() function. The call to fit() finally returns an object of class bm (base-model).


Brockhaus, S., Scheipl, F., Hothorn, T. and Greven, S. (2015): The functional linear array model. Statistical Modelling, 15(3), 279-300.

Brockhaus, S., Melcher, M., Leisch, F. and Greven, S. (2017): Boosting flexible functional regression models with a high number of functional historical effects, Statistics and Computing, 27(4), 913-926.

Marra, G. and Wood, S.N. (2011): Practical variable selection for generalized additive models. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 55, 2372-2387.

Scheipl, F., Staicu, A.-M. and Greven, S. (2015): Functional Additive Mixed Models, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 24(2), 477-501.

Scheipl, F. and Greven, S. (2016): Identifiability in penalized function-on-function regression models. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 10(1), 495-526.

See Also

FDboost for the model fit.


######## Example for scalar-on-function-regression with bsignal()  
data("fuelSubset", package = "FDboost")

## center the functional covariates per observed wavelength
fuelSubset$UVVIS <- scale(fuelSubset$UVVIS, scale = FALSE)
fuelSubset$NIR <- scale(fuelSubset$NIR, scale = FALSE)

## to make mboost:::df2lambda() happy (all design matrix entries < 10)
## reduce range of argvals to [0,1] to get smaller integration weights
fuelSubset$uvvis.lambda <- with(fuelSubset, (uvvis.lambda - min(uvvis.lambda)) /
                                  (max(uvvis.lambda) - min(uvvis.lambda) ))
fuelSubset$nir.lambda <- with(fuelSubset, (nir.lambda - min(nir.lambda)) /
                                (max(nir.lambda) - min(nir.lambda) ))

## model fit with scalar response and two functional linear effects 
## include no intercept 
## as all base-learners are centered around 0 
mod2 <- FDboost(heatan ~ bsignal(UVVIS, uvvis.lambda, knots = 40, df = 4, check.ident = FALSE) 
               + bsignal(NIR, nir.lambda, knots = 40, df=4, check.ident = FALSE), 
               timeformula = NULL, data = fuelSubset) 

### data simulation like in manual of pffr::ff


# model with linear functional effect, use bsignal()
# Y(t) = f(t) + \int X1(s)\beta(s,t)ds + eps
data1 <- pffrSim(scenario = "ff", n = 40)
data1$X1 <- scale(data1$X1, scale = FALSE)
dat_list <- as.list(data1)
dat_list$t <- attr(data1, "yindex")
dat_list$s <- attr(data1, "xindex")

## model fit by FDboost 
m1 <- FDboost(Y ~ 1 + bsignal(x = X1, s = s, knots = 5), 
              timeformula = ~ bbs(t, knots = 5), data = dat_list, 
              control = boost_control(mstop = 21))

## search optimal mSTOP

  cv <- validateFDboost(m1, grid = 1:100) # 21 iterations

## model fit by pffr
t <- attr(data1, "yindex")
s <- attr(data1, "xindex")
m1_pffr <- pffr(Y ~ ff(X1, xind = s), yind = t, data = data1)

  oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
  plot(m1, which = 1); plot(m1, which = 2) 
  plot(m1_pffr, select = 1, shift = m1_pffr$coefficients["(Intercept)"]) 
  plot(m1_pffr, select = 2)

# model with functional historical effect, use bhist() 
# Y(t) = f(t)  + \int_0^t X1(s)\beta(s,t)ds + eps
mylimits <- function(s, t){
  (s < t) | (s == t)
data2 <- pffrSim(scenario = "ff", n = 40, limits = mylimits)
data2$X1 <- scale(data2$X1, scale = FALSE)
dat2_list <- as.list(data2)
dat2_list$t <- attr(data2, "yindex")
dat2_list$s <- attr(data2, "xindex")

## model fit by FDboost 
m2 <- FDboost(Y ~ 1 + bhist(x = X1, s = s, time = t, knots = 5), 
              timeformula = ~ bbs(t, knots = 5), data = dat2_list, 
              control = boost_control(mstop = 40))
## search optimal mSTOP

  cv2 <- validateFDboost(m2, grid = 1:100) # 40 iterations

## model fit by pffr
t <- attr(data2, "yindex")
s <- attr(data2, "xindex")
m2_pffr <- pffr(Y ~ ff(X1, xind = s, limits = "s<=t"), yind = t, data = data2)

oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
plot(m2, which = 1); plot(m2, which = 2)
## plot of smooth intercept does not contain m1_pffr$coefficients["(Intercept)"]
plot(m2_pffr, select = 1, shift = m2_pffr$coefficients["(Intercept)"]) 
plot(m2_pffr, select = 2) 


Clr and inverse clr transformation


clr computes the clr or inverse clr transformation of a vector f with respect to integration weights w, corresponding to a Bayes Hilbert space B2(μ)=B2(T,A,μ)B^2(\mu) = B^2(\mathcal{T}, \mathcal{A}, \mu).


clr(f, w = 1, inverse = FALSE)



a vector containing the function values (evaluated on a grid) of the function ff to transform. If inverse = TRUE, f must be a density, i.e., all entries must be positive and usually f integrates to one. If inverse = FALSE, f should integrate to zero, see Details.


a vector of length one or of the same length as f containing positive integration weights. If w has length one, this weight is used for all function values. The integral of ff is approximated via Tfdμj=1m\int_{\mathcal{T}} f \, \mathrm{d}\mu \approx \sum_{j=1}^m wj_j fj_j, where mm equals the length of f.


if TRUE, the inverse clr transformation is computed.


The clr transformation maps a density ff from B2(μ)B^2(\mu) to L02(μ):={fL2(μ)  Tfdμ=0}L^2_0(\mu) := \{ f \in L^2(\mu) ~|~ \int_{\mathcal{T}} f \, \mathrm{d}\mu = 0\} via

clr(f):=logf1μ(T)Tlogfdμ.\mathrm{clr}(f) := \log f - \frac{1}{\mu (\mathcal{T})} \int_{\mathcal{T}} \log f \, \mathrm{d}\mu.

The inverse clr transformation maps a function ff from L02(μ)L^2_0(\mu) to B2(μ)B^2(\mu) via

clr1(f):=expfTexpfdμ.\mathrm{clr}^{-1}(f) := \frac{\exp f}{\int_{\mathcal{T}} \exp f \, \mathrm{d}\mu}.

Note that in contrast to Maier et al. (2021), this definition of the inverse clr transformation includes normalization, yielding the respective probability density function (representative of the equivalence class of proportional functions in B2(μ)B^2(\mu)).

The (inverse) clr transformation depends not only on ff, but also on the underlying measure space (T,A,μ)\left( \mathcal{T}, \mathcal{A}, \mu\right), which determines the integral. In clr this is specified via the integration weights w. E.g., for a discrete set T\mathcal{T} with A=P(T)\mathcal{A} = \mathcal{P}(\mathcal{T}) the power set of T\mathcal{T} and μ=tTδt\mu = \sum_{t \in T} \delta_t the sum of dirac measures at tTt \in \mathcal{T}, the default w = 1 is the correct choice. In this case, integrals are indeed computed exactly, not only approximately. For an interval T=[a,b]\mathcal{T} = [a, b] with A=B\mathcal{A} = \mathcal{B} the Borel σ\sigma-algebra restricted to T\mathcal{T} and μ=λ\mu = \lambda the Lebesgue measure, the choice of w depends on the grid on which the function was evaluated: wj_j must correspond to the length of the subinterval of [a,b][a, b], which fj_j represents. E.g., for a grid with equidistant distance dd, where the boundary grid values are a+d2a + \frac{d}{2} and bd2b - \frac{d}{2} (i.e., the grid points are centers of intervals of size dd), equal weights dd should be chosen for w.

The clr transformation is crucial for density-on-scalar regression since estimating the clr transformed model in L02(μ)L^2_0(\mu) is equivalent to estimating the original model in B2(μ)B^2(\mu) (as the clr transformation is an isometric isomorphism), see also the vignette "FDboost_density-on-scalar_births" and Maier et al. (2021).


A vector of the same length as f containing the (inverse) clr transformation of f.


Eva-Maria Maier


Maier, E.-M., Stoecker, A., Fitzenberger, B., Greven, S. (2021): Additive Density-on-Scalar Regression in Bayes Hilbert Spaces with an Application to Gender Economics. arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.11771.


### Continuous case (T = [0, 1] with Lebesgue measure):
# evaluate density of a Beta distribution on an equidistant grid
g <- seq(from = 0.005, to = 0.995, by = 0.01)
f <- dbeta(g, 2, 5)
# compute clr transformation with distance of two grid points as integration weight
f_clr <- clr(f, w = 0.01)
# visualize result
plot(g, f_clr , type = "l")
abline(h = 0, col = "grey")
# compute inverse clr transformation (w as above)
f_clr_inv <- clr(f_clr, w = 0.01, inverse = TRUE)
# visualize result
plot(g, f, type = "l")
lines(g, f_clr_inv, lty = 2, col = "red")

### Discrete case (T = {1, ..., 12} with sum of dirac measures at t in T):
data("birthDistribution", package = "FDboost")
# fit density-on-scalar model with effects for sex and year
model <- FDboost(birth_densities_clr ~ 1 + bolsc(sex, df = 1) + 
                   bbsc(year, df = 1, differences = 1),
                 # use bbsc() in timeformula to ensure integrate-to-zero constraint
                 timeformula = ~bbsc(month, df = 4, 
                                     # December is followed by January of subsequent year
                                     cyclic = TRUE, 
                                     # knots = {1, ..., 12} with additional boundary knot
                                     # 0 (coinciding with 12) due to cyclic = TRUE
                                     knots = 1:11, boundary.knots = c(0, 12), 
                                     # degree = 1 with these knots yields identity matrix 
                                     # as design matrix
                                     degree = 1),
                 data = birthDistribution, offset = 0, 
                 control = boost_control(mstop = 1000))
# Extract predictions (clr-transformed!) and transform them to Bayes Hilbert space
predictions_clr <- predict(model)
predictions <- t(apply(predictions_clr, 1, clr, inverse = TRUE))

Coefficients of boosted functional regression model


Takes a fitted FDboost-object produced by FDboost() and returns estimated coefficient functions/surfaces β(t),β(s,t)\beta(t), \beta(s,t) and estimated smooth effects f(z),f(x,z)f(z), f(x,z) or f(x,z,t)f(x, z, t). Not implemented for smooths in more than 3 dimensions.


## S3 method for class 'FDboost'
  raw = FALSE,
  which = NULL,
  computeCoef = TRUE,
  returnData = FALSE,
  n1 = 40,
  n2 = 40,
  n3 = 20,
  n4 = 10,



a fitted FDboost-object


logical defaults to FALSE. If raw = FALSE for each effect the estimated function/surface is calculated. If raw = TRUE the coefficients of the model are returned.


a subset of base-learners for which the coefficients should be computed (numeric vector), defaults to NULL which is the same as which=1:length(object$baselearner). In the special case of which=0, only the coefficients of the offset are returned.


defaults to TRUE, if FALSE only the names of the terms are returned


return the dataset which is used to get the coefficient estimates as predictions, see Details.


see below


see below


n1, n2, n3 give the number of grid-points for 1-/2-/3-dimensional smooth terms used in the marginal equidistant grids over the range of the covariates at which the estimated effects are evaluated.


gives the number of points for the third dimension in a 3-dimensional smooth term


other arguments, not used.


If raw = FALSE the function coef.FDboost generates adequate dummy data and uses the function predict.FDboost to compute the estimated coefficient functions.


If raw = FALSE, a list containing

  • offset a list with plot information for the offset.

  • smterms a named list with one entry for each smooth term in the model. Each entry contains

    • x, y, z the unique grid-points used to evaluate the smooth/coefficient function/coefficient surface

    • xlim, ylim, zlim the extent of the x/y/z-axes

    • xlab, ylab, zlab the names of the covariates for the x/y/z-axes

    • value a vector/matrix/list of matrices containing the coefficient values

    • dim the dimensionality of the effect

    • main the label of the smooth term (a short label)

If raw = TRUE, a list containing the estimated spline coefficients.

Cross-validation for FDboostLSS


Multidimensional cross-validated estimation of the empirical risk for hyper-parameter selection, for an object of class FDboostLSS setting the folds per default to resampling curves.


## S3 method for class 'FDboostLSS'
  folds = cvLong(id = object[[1]]$id, weights = model.weights(object[[1]])),
  grid = NULL,
  papply = mclapply,
  trace = TRUE,
  fun = NULL,



an object of class FDboostLSS.


a weight matrix a weight matrix with number of rows equal to the number of observations. The number of columns corresponds to the number of cross-validation runs, defaults to 25 bootstrap samples, resampling whole curves


defaults to a grid up to the current number of boosting iterations. The default generates the grid according to the defaults of cvrisk.mboostLSS which are different for models with cyclic or noncyclic fitting.


(parallel) apply function, defaults to mclapply, see cvrisk.mboostLSS for details.


print status information during cross-validation? Defaults to TRUE.


if fun is NULL, the out-of-sample risk is returned. fun, as a function of object, may extract any other characteristic of the cross-validated models. These are returned as is.


additional arguments passed to mclapply.


The function cvrisk.FDboostLSS is a wrapper for cvrisk.mboostLSS in package gamboostLSS. It overrides the default for the folds, so that the folds are sampled on the level of curves (not on the level of single observations, which does not make sense for functional response).


An object of class cvriskLSS (when fun was not specified), basically a matrix containing estimates of the empirical risk for a varying number of bootstrap iterations. plot and print methods are available as well as an mstop method, see cvrisk.mboostLSS.

See Also

cvrisk.mboostLSS in package gamboostLSS.

EEG and EMG recordings in a computerised gambling study


To analyse the functional relationship between electroencephalography (EEG) and facial electromyography (EMG), Gentsch et al. (2014) simultaneously recorded EEG and EMG signals from 24 participants while they were playing a computerised gambling task. The given subset contains aggregated observations of 23 participants. Curves were averaged over each subject and each of the 8 study settings, resulting in 23 times 8 curves.




A list with the following 10 variables.


factor variable with levels high and low


factor variable with levels gain and loss


factor variable with levels high and low


factor variable with 23 levels


matrix; EEG signal in wide format


matrix; EMG signal in wide format


time points for the functional covariate


time points for the functional response


The aim is to explain potentials in the EMG signal by study settings as well as the EEG signal (see Ruegamer et al., 2018).


Gentsch, K., Grandjean, D. and Scherer, K. R. (2014) Coherence explored between emotion components: Evidence from event-related potentials and facial electromyography. Biological Psychology, 98, 70-81.

Ruegamer D., Brockhaus, S., Gentsch K., Scherer, K., Greven, S. (2018). Boosting factor-specific functional historical models for the detection of synchronization in bioelectrical signals. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 67, 621-642.


data("emotion", package = "FDboost")

# fit function-on-scalar model with random effect and power effect
fos_random_power <- FDboost(EMG ~ 1 + brandomc(subject, df = 2)
                            + bolsc(power, df = 2),
                            timeformula = ~ bbs(t, df = 3),
                            data = emotion)
## Not run:                             
# fit function-on-function model with intercept and historical EEG effect
# where limits specifies the used lag between EMG and EEG signal
fof_historical <- FDboost(EMG ~ 1 + bhist(EEG, s = s, time = t,
                          limits = function(s,t) s < t - 3),
                          timeformula = ~ bbs(t, df = 3), data = emotion,
                          control = boost_control(mstop = 200))                            

## End(Not run)

Extract information of a base-learner


Takes a base-learner and extracts information.


## S3 method for class 'blg'
  what = c("design", "penalty", "index"),
  asmatrix = FALSE,
  expand = FALSE,



a base-learner


a character specifying the quantities to extract. This can be a subset of "design" (default; design matrix), "penalty" (penalty matrix) and "index" (index of ties used to expand the design matrix)


a logical indicating whether the the returned matrix should be coerced to a matrix (default) or if the returned object stays as it is (i.e., potentially a sparse matrix). This option is only applicable if extract returns matrices, i.e., what = "design" or what = "penalty".


a logical indicating whether the design matrix should be expanded (default: FALSE). This is useful if ties were taken into account either manually (via argument index in a base-learner) or automatically for data sets with many observations. expand = TRUE is equivalent to extract(B)[extract(B, what = "index"),] for a base-learner B.


currently not used

See Also

extract for the extract function of the package mboost.

Factorize tensor product model


Factorize an FDboost tensor product model into the response and covariate parts

hj(x,t)=kvj(k)(t)hj(k)(x),j=1,...,J,h_j(x, t) = \sum_{k} v_j^{(k)}(t) h_j^{(k)}(x), j = 1, ..., J,

for effect visualization as proposed in Stoecker, Steyer and Greven (2022).


factorize(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'FDboost'
factorize(x, newdata = NULL, newweights = 1, blwise = TRUE, ...)



a model object of class FDboost.


other arguments passed to methods.


new data the factorization is based on. By default (NULL), the factorization is carried out on the data used for fitting.


vector of the length of the data or length one, containing new weights used for factorization.


logical, should the factorization be carried out base-learner-wise (TRUE, default) or for the whole model simultaneously.


The mboost infrastructure is used for handling the orthogonal response directions vj(k)(t)v_j^{(k)}(t) in one mboost-object (with kk running over iteration indices) and the effects into the respective directions hj(k)(t)h_j^{(k)}(t) in another mboost-object, both of subclass FDboost_fac. The number of boosting iterations of FDboost_fac-objects cannot be further increased as in regular mboost-objects.


a list of two mboost models of class FDboost_fac containing basis functions for response and covariates, respectively, as base-learners.

A factorized model


Stoecker, A., Steyer L. and Greven, S. (2022): Functional additive models on manifolds of planar shapes and forms <arXiv:2109.02624>

See Also




# generate irregular toy data -------------------------------------------------------

n <- 100
m <- 40
# covariates
x <- seq(0,2,len = n)
# time & id
t <- runif(n = n*m, -pi,pi)
id <- sample(1:n, size = n*m, replace = TRUE)

# generate components
fx <- ft <- list()
fx[[1]] <- exp(x)
d <- numeric(2)
d[1] <- sqrt(c(crossprod(fx[[1]])))
fx[[1]] <- fx[[1]] / d[1]
fx[[2]] <- -5*x^2
fx[[2]] <- fx[[2]] - fx[[1]] * c(crossprod(fx[[1]], fx[[2]])) # orthogonalize fx[[2]]
d[2] <- sqrt(c(crossprod(fx[[2]])))
fx[[2]] <- fx[[2]] / d[2]
ft[[1]] <- sin(t)
ft[[2]] <- cos(t)
ft[[1]] <- ft[[1]] / sqrt(sum(ft[[1]]^2))
ft[[2]] <- ft[[2]] / sqrt(sum(ft[[2]]^2))

mu1 <- d[1] * fx[[1]][id] * ft[[1]]
mu2 <- d[2] * fx[[2]][id] * ft[[2]]
# add linear covariate
ft[[3]] <- t^2 * sin(4*t) 
ft[[3]] <- ft[[3]] - ft[[1]] * c(crossprod(ft[[1]], ft[[3]]))
ft[[3]] <- ft[[3]] - ft[[2]] * c(crossprod(ft[[2]], ft[[3]]))
ft[[3]] <- ft[[3]] / sqrt(sum(ft[[3]]^2))
fx[[3]] <- runif(0,3, n = length(x))
fx[[3]] <- fx[[3]] - fx[[1]] * c(crossprod(fx[[1]], fx[[3]]))
fx[[3]] <- fx[[3]] - fx[[2]] * c(crossprod(fx[[2]], fx[[3]]))
d[3] <- sqrt(sum(fx[[3]]^2))
fx[[3]] <- fx[[3]] / d[3]

mu3 <- d[3] * fx[[3]][id] * ft[[3]]

mu <- mu1 + mu2 + mu3
# add some noise
y <- mu + rnorm(length(mu), 0, .01)
# and noise covariate
z <- rnorm(n)

# fit FDboost model -------------------------------------------------------

dat <- list(y = y, x = x, t = t, x_lin = fx[[3]], id = id)
m <- FDboost(y ~ bbs(x, knots = 5, df = 2, differences = 0) + 
               # bbs(z, knots = 2, df = 2, differences = 0) + 
               bols(x_lin, intercept = FALSE, df = 2)
               , ~ bbs(t),
             id = ~ id, 
             offset = 0, #numInt = "Riemann", 
             control = boost_control(nu = 1), 
             data = dat)
MU <- split(mu, id)
PRED <- split(predict(m), id)
Ti <- split(t, id)
t0 <- seq(-pi, pi, length.out = 40)
MU <-, Map(function(mu, t) approx(t, mu, t0)$y,
          MU, Ti)) 
PRED <-, Map(function(mu, t) approx(t, mu, t0)$y,
            PRED, Ti))

opar <- par(mfrow = c(2,2))
image(t0, x, MU)
contour(t0, x, MU, add = TRUE)
image(t0, x, PRED)
contour(t0, x, PRED, add = TRUE)
persp(t0, x, MU, zlim = range(c(MU, PRED), na.rm = TRUE))
persp(t0, x, PRED, zlim = range(c(MU, PRED), na.rm = TRUE))

# factorize model ---------------------------------------------------------

fac <- factorize(m)

vi <-$cov))
# if(require(lattice))
#   barchart(variable ~ reduction, group = blearner, vi, stack = TRUE)

cbind(d^2, sort(vi$reduction, decreasing = TRUE)[1:3])

x_plot <- list(x, x, fx[[3]])

cols <- c("cornflowerblue", "darkseagreen", "darkred")
opar <- par(mfrow = c(3,2))
wch <- c(1,2,10)
for(w in 1:length(wch)) {
  plot.mboost(fac$resp, which = wch[w], col = "darkgrey", ask = FALSE,
       main = names(fac$resp$baselearner[wch[w]]))
  lines(sort(t), ft[[w]][order(t)]*max(d), col = cols[w], lty = 2)
  plot(fac$cov, which = wch[w], 
       main = names(fac$cov$baselearner[wch[w]]))
  points(x_plot[[w]], d[w] * fx[[w]] / max(d), col = cols[w], pch = 3)

# re-compose predictions
preds <- lapply(fac, predict)
predf <- rowSums(preds$resp * preds$cov[id, ])
PREDf <- split(predf, id)
PREDf <-, Map(function(mu, t) approx(t, mu, t0)$y,
                            PREDf, Ti))
opar <- par(mfrow = c(1,2))
image(t0,x, PRED, main = "original prediction")
contour(t0,x, PRED, add = TRUE)
image(t0,x,PREDf, main = "recomposed")
contour(t0,x, PREDf, add = TRUE)

stopifnot(all.equal(PRED, PREDf))

# check out other methods
newdata_resp <- list(t = sort(runif(60, min(t), max(t))))
a <- predict(fac$resp, newdata = newdata_resp, which = 1:5)
plot(newdata_resp$t, a[, 1])
# coef method
cf <- coef(fac$resp, which = 1)

# check factorization on a new dataset ------------------------------------

t_grid <- seq(-pi,pi,len = 30)
x_grid <- seq(0,2,len = 30)
x_lin_grid <- seq(min(dat$x_lin), max(dat$x_lin), len = 30)

# use grid data for factorization
griddata <- expand.grid(
  # time 
  t = t_grid,
  # covariates
  x = x_grid,
  x_lin = 0

griddata_lin <- expand.grid(
  t = seq(-pi, pi, len = 30),
  x = 0,
  x_lin = x_lin_grid

griddata <- rbind(griddata, griddata_lin)

griddata$id <- as.numeric(factor(paste(griddata$x, griddata$x_lin, sep = ":")))

fac2 <- factorize(m, newdata = griddata)

ratio <- -max(abs(predict(fac$resp, which = 1))) / max(abs(predict(fac2$resp, which = 1)))

opar <- par(mfrow = c(3,2))
wch <- c(1,2,10)
for(w in 1:length(wch)) {
  plot.mboost(fac$resp, which = wch[w], col = "darkgrey", ask = FALSE,
                                main = names(fac$resp$baselearner[wch[w]]))
        ratio*predict(fac2$resp, which = wch[w])[order(griddata$t)], 
        col = cols[w], lty = 2)
  plot(fac$cov, which = wch[w], 
       main = names(fac$cov$baselearner[wch[w]]))
  this_x <- fac2$cov$model.frame(which = wch[w])[[1]][[1]]
    lines(sort(this_x), 1/ratio*predict(fac2$cov, which = wch[w])[order(this_x)], 
          col = cols[w], lty = 1)

# check predictions
p <- predict(fac2$resp, which = 1)

# generate regular toy data --------------------------------------------------

n <- 100
m <- 40
# covariates
x <- seq(0,2,len = n)
# time 
t <- seq(-pi,pi,len = m)
# generate components
fx <- ft <- list()
fx[[1]] <- exp(x)
d <- numeric(2)
d[1] <- sqrt(c(crossprod(fx[[1]])))
fx[[1]] <- fx[[1]] / d[1]
fx[[2]] <- -5*x^2
fx[[2]] <- fx[[2]] - fx[[1]] * c(crossprod(fx[[1]], fx[[2]])) # orthogonalize fx[[2]]
d[2] <- sqrt(c(crossprod(fx[[2]])))
fx[[2]] <- fx[[2]] / d[2]
ft[[1]] <- sin(t)
ft[[2]] <- cos(t)
ft[[1]] <- ft[[1]] / sqrt(sum(ft[[1]]^2))
ft[[2]] <- ft[[2]] / sqrt(sum(ft[[2]]^2))
mu1 <- d[1] * fx[[1]] %*% t(ft[[1]])
mu2 <- d[2] * fx[[2]] %*% t(ft[[2]])
# add linear covariate
ft[[3]] <- t^2 * sin(4*t) 
ft[[3]] <- ft[[3]] - ft[[1]] * c(crossprod(ft[[1]], ft[[3]]))
ft[[3]] <- ft[[3]] - ft[[2]] * c(crossprod(ft[[2]], ft[[3]]))
ft[[3]] <- ft[[3]] / sqrt(sum(ft[[3]]^2))
fx[[3]] <- runif(0,3, n = length(x))
fx[[3]] <- fx[[3]] - fx[[1]] * c(crossprod(fx[[1]], fx[[3]]))
fx[[3]] <- fx[[3]] - fx[[2]] * c(crossprod(fx[[2]], fx[[3]]))
d[3] <- sqrt(sum(fx[[3]]^2))
fx[[3]] <- fx[[3]] / d[3]
mu3 <- d[3] * fx[[3]] %*% t(ft[[3]])

mu <- mu1 + mu2 + mu3
# add some noise
y <- mu + rnorm(length(mu), 0, .01)
# and noise covariate
z <- rnorm(n)

# fit FDboost model -------------------------------------------------------

dat <- list(y = y, x = x, t = t, x_lin = fx[[3]])
m <- FDboost(y ~ bbs(x, knots = 5, df = 2, differences = 0) + 
               # bbs(z, knots = 2, df = 2, differences = 0) + 
               bols(x_lin, intercept = FALSE, df = 2)
               , ~ bbs(t), offset = 0, 
             control = boost_control(nu = 1), 
             data = dat)

opar <- par(mfrow = c(1,2))
image(t, x, t(mu))
contour(t, x, t(mu), add = TRUE)
image(t, x, t(predict(m)))
contour(t, x, t(predict(m)), add = TRUE)

# factorize model ---------------------------------------------------------

fac <- factorize(m)

vi <-$cov))
# if(require(lattice))
#   barchart(variable ~ reduction, group = blearner, vi, stack = TRUE)

cbind(d^2, vi$reduction[c(1:2, 10)])

x_plot <- list(x, x, fx[[3]])

cols <- c("cornflowerblue", "darkseagreen", "darkred")
opar <- par(mfrow = c(3,2))
wch <- c(1,2,10)
for(w in 1:length(wch)) {
  plot.mboost(fac$resp, which = wch[w], col = "darkgrey", ask = FALSE,
       main = names(fac$resp$baselearner[wch[w]]))
  lines(t, ft[[w]]*max(d), col = cols[w], lty = 2)
  plot(fac$cov, which = wch[w], 
       main = names(fac$cov$baselearner[wch[w]]))
  points(x_plot[[w]], d[w] * fx[[w]] / max(d), col = cols[w], pch = 3)

# re-compose prediction
preds <- lapply(fac, predict)
PREDSf <- array(0, dim = c(nrow(preds$resp),nrow(preds$cov)))
for(i in 1:ncol(preds$resp))
  PREDSf <- PREDSf + preds$resp[,i] %*% t(preds$cov[,i])

opar <- par(mfrow = c(1,2))
image(t,x, t(predict(m)), main = "original prediction")
contour(t,x, t(predict(m)), add = TRUE)
image(t,x,PREDSf, main = "recomposed")
contour(t,x, PREDSf, add = TRUE)
# => matches
stopifnot(all.equal(as.numeric(t(predict(m))), as.numeric(PREDSf)))

# check out other methods
newdata_resp <- list(t = sort(runif(60, min(t), max(t))))
a <- predict(fac$resp, newdata = newdata_resp, which = 1:5)
plot(newdata_resp$t, a[, 1])
# coef method
cf <- coef(fac$resp, which = 1)

Model-based Gradient Boosting for Functional Response


Gradient boosting for optimizing arbitrary loss functions, where component-wise models are utilized as base-learners in the case of functional responses. Scalar responses are treated as the special case where each functional response has only one observation. This function is a wrapper for mboost's mboost and its siblings to fit models of the general form

ξ(Yi(t)Xi=xi)=jhj(xi,t),i=1,...,N,\xi(Y_i(t) | X_i = x_i) = \sum_{j} h_j(x_i, t), i = 1, ..., N,

with a functional (but not necessarily continuous) response Y(t)Y(t), transformation function ξ\xi, e.g., the expectation, the median or some quantile, and partial effects hj(xi,t)h_j(x_i, t) depending on covariates xix_i and the current index of the response tt. The index of the response can be for example time. Possible effects are, e.g., a smooth intercept β0(t)\beta_0(t), a linear functional effect xi(s)β(s,t)ds\int x_i(s)\beta(s,t)ds, potentially with integration limits depending on tt, smooth and linear effects of scalar covariates f(zi,t)f(z_i,t) or ziβ(t)z_i \beta(t). A hands-on tutorial for the package can be found at <doi:10.18637/jss.v094.i10>.


  id = NULL,
  numInt = "equal",
  weights = NULL,
  offset = NULL,
  offset_control = o_control(),
  check0 = FALSE,



a symbolic description of the model to be fit. Per default no intercept is added, only a smooth offset, see argument offset. To add a smooth intercept, use 1, e.g., y ~ 1 for a pure intercept model.


one-sided formula for the specification of the effect over the index of the response. For functional response Yi(t)Y_i(t) typically use ~ bbs(t) to obtain smooth effects over tt. In the limiting case of YiY_i being a scalar response, use ~ bols(1), which sets up a base-learner for the scalar 1. Or use timeformula = NULL, then the scalar response is treated as scalar.


defaults to NULL which means that all response trajectories are observed on a common grid allowing to represent the response as a matrix. If the response is given in long format for observation-specific grids, id contains the information which observations belong to the same trajectory and must be supplied as a formula, ~ nameid, where the variable nameid should contain integers 1, 2, 3, ..., N.


integration scheme for the integration of the loss function. One of c("equal", "Riemann") meaning equal weights of 1 or trapezoidal Riemann weights. Alternatively a vector of length ncol(response) containing positive weights can be specified.


a data frame or list containing the variables in the model.


only for internal use to specify resampling weights; per default all weights are equal to 1.


a numeric vector to be used as offset over the index of the response (optional). If no offset is specified, per default offset = NULL which means that a smooth time-specific offset is computed and used before the model fit to center the data. If you do not want to use a time-specific offset, set offset = "scalar" to get an overall scalar offset, like in mboost.


parameters for the estimation of the offset, defaults to o_control(), see o_control.


logical, for response in matrix form, i.e. response that is observed on a common grid, check the fitted effects for the sum-to-zero constraint hj(xi)(t)=0h_j(x_i)(t) = 0 for all tt and give a warning if it is not fulfilled. Defaults to FALSE.


additional arguments passed to mboost, including, family and control.


In matrix representation of functional response and covariates each row represents one functional observation, e.g., Y[i,t_g] corresponds to Yi(tg)Y_i(t_g), giving a <number of curves> by <number of evaluations> matrix. For the model fit, the matrix of the functional response evaluations Yi(tg)Y_i(t_g) are stacked internally into one long vector.

If it is possible to represent the model as a generalized linear array model (Currie et al., 2006), the array structure is used for an efficient implementation, see mboost. This is only possible if the design matrix can be written as the Kronecker product of two marginal design matrices yielding a functional linear array model (FLAM), see Brockhaus et al. (2015) for details. The Kronecker product of two marginal bases is implemented in R-package mboost in the function %O%, see %O%.

When %O% is called with a specification of df in both base-learners, e.g., bbs(x1, df = df1) %O% bbs(t, df = df2), the global df for the Kroneckered base-learner is computed as df = df1 * df2. And thus the penalty has only one smoothness parameter lambda resulting in an isotropic penalty. A Kronecker product with anisotropic penalty is %A%, allowing for different amount of smoothness in the two directions, see %A%. If the formula contains base-learners connected by %O%, %A% or %A0%, those effects are not expanded with timeformula, allowing for model specifications with different effects in time-direction.

If the response is observed on curve-specific grids it must be supplied as a vector in long format and the argument id has to be specified (as formula!) to define which observations belong to which curve. In this case the base-learners are built as row tensor-products of marginal base-learners, see Scheipl et al. (2015) and Brockhaus et al. (2017), for details on how to set up the effects. The row tensor product of two marginal bases is implemented in R-package mboost in the function %X%, see %X%.

A scalar response can be seen as special case of a functional response with only one time-point, and thus it can be represented as FLAM with basis 1 in time-direction, use timeformula = ~bols(1). In this case, a penalty in the time-direction is used, see Brockhaus et al. (2015) for details. Alternatively, the scalar response is fitted as scalar response, like in the function mboost in package mboost. The advantage of using FDboost in that case is that methods for the functional base-learners are available, e.g., plot.

The desired regression type is specified by the family-argument, see the help-page of mboost. For example a mean regression model is obtained by family = Gaussian() which is the default or median regression by family = QuantReg(); see Family for a list of implemented families.

With FDboost the following covariate effects can be estimated by specifying the following effects in the formula (similar to function pffr in R-package refund. The timeformula is used to expand the effects in t-direction.

  • Linear functional effect of scalar (numeric or factor) covariate zz that varies smoothly over tt, i.e. ziβ(t)z_i \beta(t), specified as bolsc(z), see bolsc, or for a group effect with mean zero use brandomc(z).

  • Nonlinear effects of a scalar covariate that vary smoothly over tt, i.e. f(zi,t)f(z_i, t), specified as bbsc(z), see bbsc.

  • (Nonlinear) effects of scalar covariates that are constant over tt, e.g., f(zi)f(z_i), specified as c(bbs(z)), or βzi\beta z_i, specified as c(bols(z)).

  • Interaction terms between two scalar covariates, e.g., zi1zi2β(t)z_i1 zi2 \beta(t), are specified as bols(z1) %Xc% bols(z2) and an interaction zi1f(zi2,t)z_i1 f(zi2, t) as bols(z1) %Xc% bbs(z2), as %Xc% applies the sum-to-zero constraint to the desgin matrix of the tensor product built by %Xc%, see %Xc%.

  • Function-on-function regression terms of functional covariates x, e.g., xi(s)β(s,t)ds\int x_i(s)\beta(s,t)ds, specified as bsignal(x, s = s), using P-splines, see bsignal. Terms given by bfpc provide FPC-based effects of functional covariates, see bfpc.

  • Function-on-function regression terms of functional covariates x with integration limits [l(t),u(t)][l(t), u(t)] depending on tt, e.g., [l(t),u(t)]xi(s)β(s,t)ds\int_[l(t), u(t)] x_i(s)\beta(s,t)ds, specified as bhist(x, s = s, time = t, limits). The limits argument defaults to "s<=t" which yields a historical effect with limits [min(t),t][min(t),t], see bhist.

  • Concurrent effects of functional covariates x measured on the same grid as the response, i.e., xi(s)β(t)x_i(s)\beta(t), are specified as bconcurrent(x, s = s, time = t), see bconcurrent.

  • Interaction effects can be estimated as tensor product smooth, e.g., zxi(s)β(s,t)dsz \int x_i(s)\beta(s,t)ds as bsignal(x, s = s) %X% bolsc(z)

  • For interaction effects with historical functional effects, e.g., zi[l(t),u(t)]xi(s)β(s,t)dsz_i \int_[l(t),u(t)] x_i(s)\beta(s,t)ds the base-learner bhistx should be used instead of bhist, e.g., bhistx(x, limits) %X% bolsc(z), see bhistx.

  • Generally, the c()-notation can be used to get effects that are constant over the index of the functional response.

  • If the formula in FDboost contains base-learners connected by %O%, %A% or %A0%, those effects are not expanded with timeformula, allowing for model specifications with different effects in time-direction.

In order to obtain a fair selection of base-learners, the same degrees of freedom (df) should be specified for all baselearners. If the number of df differs among the base-learners, the selection is biased towards more flexible base-learners with higher df as they are more likely to yield larger improvements of the fit. It is recommended to use a rather small number of df for all base-learners. It is not possible to specify df larger than the rank of the design matrix. For base-learners with rank-deficient penalty, it is not possible to specify df smaller than the rank of the null space of the penalty (e.g., in bbs unpenalized part of P-splines). The df of the base-learners in an FDboost-object can be checked using extract(object, "df"), see extract.

The most important tuning parameter of component-wise gradient boosting is the number of boosting iterations. It is recommended to use the number of boosting iterations as only tuning parameter, fixing the step-length at a small value (e.g., nu = 0.1). Note that the default number of boosting iterations is 100 which is arbitrary and in most cases not adequate (the optimal number of boosting iterations can considerably exceed 100). The optimal stopping iteration can be determined by resampling methods like cross-validation or bootstrapping, see the function cvrisk.FDboost which searches the optimal stopping iteration on a grid, which in many cases has to be extended.


An object of class FDboost that inherits from mboost. Special predict.FDboost, coef.FDboost and plot.FDboost methods are available. The methods of mboost are available as well, e.g., extract. The FDboost-object is a named list containing:


all elements of an mboost-object


the name of the response


dimension of the response matrix, if the response is represented as such


the observation (time-)points of the response, i.e. the evaluation points, with its name as attribute


the data that was used for the model fit


the id variable of the response


the function to predict the smooth offset


offset as specified in call to FDboost


offset as given to mboost


the call to FDboost


the evaluated function call to FDboost without data


value of argument numInt determining the numerical integration scheme


the time-formula


the formula with which FDboost was called


the formula with which mboost was called within FDboost


Sarah Brockhaus, Torsten Hothorn


Brockhaus, S., Ruegamer, D. and Greven, S. (2017): Boosting Functional Regression Models with FDboost. <doi:10.18637/jss.v094.i10>

Brockhaus, S., Scheipl, F., Hothorn, T. and Greven, S. (2015): The functional linear array model. Statistical Modelling, 15(3), 279-300.

Brockhaus, S., Melcher, M., Leisch, F. and Greven, S. (2017): Boosting flexible functional regression models with a high number of functional historical effects, Statistics and Computing, 27(4), 913-926.

Currie, I.D., Durban, M. and Eilers P.H.C. (2006): Generalized linear array models with applications to multidimensional smoothing. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B-Statistical Methodology, 68(2), 259-280.

Scheipl, F., Staicu, A.-M. and Greven, S. (2015): Functional additive mixed models, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 24(2), 477-501.

See Also

Note that FDboost calls mboost directly. See, e.g., bsignal and bbsc for possible base-learners.


######## Example for function-on-scalar-regression 
data("viscosity", package = "FDboost") 
## set time-interval that should be modeled
interval <- "101"

## model time until "interval" and take log() of viscosity
end <- which(viscosity$timeAll == as.numeric(interval))
viscosity$vis <- log(viscosity$visAll[,1:end])
viscosity$time <- viscosity$timeAll[1:end]
# with(viscosity, funplot(time, vis, pch = 16, cex = 0.2))

## fit median regression model with 100 boosting iterations,
## step-length 0.4 and smooth time-specific offset
## the factors are coded such that the effects are zero for each timepoint t
## no integration weights are used!
mod1 <- FDboost(vis ~ 1 + bolsc(T_C, df = 2) + bolsc(T_A, df = 2),
               timeformula = ~ bbs(time, df = 4),
               numInt = "equal", family = QuantReg(),
               offset = NULL, offset_control = o_control(k_min = 9),
               data = viscosity, control=boost_control(mstop = 100, nu = 0.4))

  #### find optimal mstop over 5-fold bootstrap, small number of folds for example
  #### do the resampling on the level of curves
  ## possibility 1: smooth offset and transformation matrices are refitted 
  appl1 <- applyFolds(mod1, folds = cv(rep(1, length(unique(mod1$id))), B = 5), 
                      grid = 1:500)
  ## plot(appl1)
  ## possibility 2: smooth offset is refitted, 
  ## computes oob-risk and the estimated coefficients on the folds
  val1 <- validateFDboost(mod1, folds = cv(rep(1, length(unique(mod1$id))), B = 5), 
                        grid = 1:500)
  ## plot(val1)

  ## possibility 3: very efficient 
  ## using the function cvrisk; be careful to do the resampling on the level of curves
  folds1 <- cvLong(id = mod1$id, weights = model.weights(mod1), B = 5)
  cvm1 <- cvrisk(mod1, folds = folds1, grid = 1:500)
  ## plot(cvm1)
## look at the model
plotPredicted(mod1, lwdPred = 2)

######## Example for scalar-on-function-regression 
data("fuelSubset", package = "FDboost")

## center the functional covariates per observed wavelength
fuelSubset$UVVIS <- scale(fuelSubset$UVVIS, scale = FALSE)
fuelSubset$NIR <- scale(fuelSubset$NIR, scale = FALSE)

## to make mboost:::df2lambda() happy (all design matrix entries < 10)
## reduce range of argvals to [0,1] to get smaller integration weights
fuelSubset$uvvis.lambda <- with(fuelSubset, (uvvis.lambda - min(uvvis.lambda)) / 
                                          (max(uvvis.lambda) - min(uvvis.lambda) ))
fuelSubset$nir.lambda <- with(fuelSubset, (nir.lambda - min(nir.lambda)) / 
                                          (max(nir.lambda) - min(nir.lambda) )) 

## model fit with scalar response 
## include no intercept as all base-learners are centered around 0
mod2 <- FDboost(heatan ~ bsignal(UVVIS, uvvis.lambda, knots = 40, df = 4, check.ident = FALSE) 
               + bsignal(NIR, nir.lambda, knots = 40, df = 4, check.ident = FALSE), 
               timeformula = NULL, data = fuelSubset, control = boost_control(mstop = 200)) 
## additionally include a non-linear effect of the scalar variable h2o 
mod2s <- FDboost(heatan ~ bsignal(UVVIS, uvvis.lambda, knots = 40, df = 4, check.ident = FALSE) 
               + bsignal(NIR, nir.lambda, knots = 40, df = 4, check.ident = FALSE) 
               + bbs(h2o, df = 4), 
               timeformula = NULL, data = fuelSubset, control = boost_control(mstop = 200)) 
## alternative model fit as FLAM model with scalar response; as timeformula = ~ bols(1)  
## adds a penalty over the index of the response, i.e., here a ridge penalty
## thus, mod2f and mod2 have different penalties 
mod2f <- FDboost(heatan ~ bsignal(UVVIS, uvvis.lambda, knots = 40, df = 4, check.ident = FALSE) 
               + bsignal(NIR, nir.lambda, knots = 40, df = 4, check.ident = FALSE), 
               timeformula = ~ bols(1), data = fuelSubset, control = boost_control(mstop = 200))
  ## bootstrap to find optimal mstop takes some time
  folds2 <- cv(weights = model.weights(mod2), B = 10)     
  cvm2 <- cvrisk(mod2, folds = folds2, grid = 1:1000)
  mstop(cvm2) ## mod2[327]
  ## plot(mod2)

## Example for function-on-function-regression 

  data("CanadianWeather", package = "fda")
  CanadianWeather$l10precip <- t(log(CanadianWeather$monthlyPrecip))
  CanadianWeather$temp <- t(CanadianWeather$monthlyTemp)
  CanadianWeather$region <- factor(CanadianWeather$region)
  CanadianWeather$month.s <- CanadianWeather$month.t <- 1:12
  ## center the temperature curves per time-point
  CanadianWeather$temp <- scale(CanadianWeather$temp, scale = FALSE)
  rownames(CanadianWeather$temp) <- NULL ## delete row-names
  ## fit model with cyclic splines over the year
  mod3 <- FDboost(l10precip ~ bols(region, df = 2.5, contrasts.arg = "contr.dummy") 
                   + bsignal(temp, month.s, knots = 11, cyclic = TRUE, 
                             df = 2.5, boundary.knots = c(0.5,12.5), check.ident = FALSE), 
                  timeformula = ~ bbs(month.t, knots = 11, cyclic = TRUE, 
                                      df = 3, boundary.knots = c(0.5, 12.5)), 
                  offset = "scalar", offset_control = o_control(k_min = 5), 
                  control = boost_control(mstop = 60), 
                  data = CanadianWeather) 
   #### find the optimal mstop over 5-fold bootstrap 
   ## using the function applyFolds 
   folds3 <- cv(rep(1, length(unique(mod3$id))), B = 5)
   appl3 <- applyFolds(mod3, folds = folds3, grid = 1:200)
   ## use function cvrisk; be careful to do the resampling on the level of curves
   folds3long <- cvLong(id = mod3$id, weights = model.weights(mod3), B = 5)
   cvm3 <- cvrisk(mod3, folds = folds3long, grid = 1:200)
   mstop(cvm3) ## mod3[64]
   ## plot(mod3, pers = TRUE)

######## Example for functional response observed on irregular grid
######## Delete part of observations in viscosity data-set
data("viscosity", package = "FDboost")
## set time-interval that should be modeled
interval <- "101"

## model time until "interval" and take log() of viscosity
end <- which(viscosity$timeAll == as.numeric(interval))
viscosity$vis <- log(viscosity$visAll[,1:end])
viscosity$time <- viscosity$timeAll[1:end]
# with(viscosity, funplot(time, vis, pch = 16, cex = 0.2))

## only keep one eighth of the observation points
selectObs <- sort(sample(x = 1:(64*46), size = 64*46/4, replace = FALSE))
dataIrregular <- with(viscosity, list(vis = c(vis)[selectObs], 
                                      T_A = T_A, T_C = T_C,  
                                      time = rep(time, each = 64)[selectObs], 
                                      id = rep(1:64, 46)[selectObs]))

## fit median regression model with 50 boosting iterations,
## step-length 0.4 and smooth time-specific offset
## the factors are in effect coding -1, 1 for the levels
## no integration weights are used!
mod4 <- FDboost(vis ~ 1 + bols(T_C, contrasts.arg = "contr.sum", intercept = FALSE)
                + bols(T_A, contrasts.arg = "contr.sum", intercept=FALSE),
                timeformula = ~ bbs(time, lambda = 100), id = ~id, 
                numInt = "Riemann", family = QuantReg(),
                offset = NULL, offset_control = o_control(k_min = 9),
                data = dataIrregular, control = boost_control(mstop = 50, nu = 0.4))
## summary(mod4)
## plot(mod4)
## plotPredicted(mod4, lwdPred = 2)

  ## Find optimal mstop, small grid/low B for a fast example
  folds4 <- cv(rep(1, length(unique(mod4$id))), B = 3)
  appl4 <- applyFolds(mod4, folds = folds4, grid = 1:50)
  ## val4 <- validateFDboost(mod4, folds = folds4, grid = 1:50)

  folds4long <- cvLong(id = mod4$id, weights = model.weights(mod4), B = 3)
  cvm4 <- cvrisk(mod4, folds = folds4long, grid = 1:50)

## Be careful if you want to predict newdata with irregular response,  
## as the argument index is not considered in the prediction of newdata. 
## Thus, all covariates have to be repeated according to the number of observations 
## in each response trajectroy. 
## Predict four response curves with full time-observations 
## for the four combinations of T_A and T_C. 
newd <- list(T_A = factor(c(1,1,2,2), levels = 1:2, 
                        labels = c("low", "high"))[rep(1:4, length(viscosity$time))], 
             T_C = factor(c(1,2,1,2), levels = 1:2, 
                        labels = c("low", "high"))[rep(1:4, length(viscosity$time))], 
             time = rep(viscosity$time, 4))
pred <- predict(mod4, newdata = newd)
## funplot(x = rep(viscosity$time, 4), y = pred, id = rep(1:4, length(viscosity$time)))

'FDboost_fac' S3 class for factorized FDboost model components


Model factorization with 'factorize()' decomposes an 'FDboost' model into two objects of class 'FDboost_fac' - one for the response and one for the covariate predictor. The first is essentially an 'FDboost' object and the second an 'mboost' object, however, in a 'read-only' mode and slightly adjusted methods (method defaults).

See Also

[factorize(), factorize.FDboost()]

Model-based Gradient Boosting for Functional GAMLSS


Function for fitting generalized additive models for location, scale and shape (GAMLSS) with functional data using component-wise gradient boosting, for details see Brockhaus et al. (2018).


  data = list(),
  families = GaussianLSS(),
  control = boost_control(),
  weights = NULL,
  method = c("cyclic", "noncyclic"),



a symbolic description of the model to be fit. If formula is a single formula, the same formula is used for all distribution parameters. formula can also be a (named) list, where each list element corresponds to one distribution parameter of the GAMLSS distribution. The names must be the same as in the families.


one-sided formula for the expansion over the index of the response. For a functional response Yi(t)Y_i(t) typically ~bbs(t) to obtain a smooth expansion of the effects along t. In the limiting case that YiY_i is a scalar response use ~bols(1), which sets up a base-learner for the scalar 1. Or you can use timeformula=NULL, then the scalar response is treated as scalar. Analogously to formula, timeformula can either be a one-sided formula or a named list of one-sided formulas.


a data frame or list containing the variables in the model.


an object of class families. It can be either one of the pre-defined distributions that come along with the package gamboostLSS or a new distribution specified by the user (see Families for details). Per default, the two-parametric GaussianLSS family is used.


a list of parameters controlling the algorithm. For more details see boost_control.


does not work!


fitting method, currently two methods are supported: "cyclic" (see Mayr et al., 2012) and "noncyclic" (algorithm with inner loss of Thomas et al., 2018).


additional arguments passed to FDboost, including, family and control.


For details on the theory of GAMLSS, see Rigby and Stasinopoulos (2005). FDboostLSS calls FDboost to fit the distribution parameters of a GAMLSS - a functional boosting model is fitted for each parameter of the response distribution. In mboostLSS, details on boosting of GAMLSS based on Mayr et al. (2012) and Thomas et al. (2018) are given. In FDboost, details on boosting regression models with functional variables are given (Brockhaus et al., 2015, Brockhaus et al., 2017).


An object of class FDboostLSS that inherits from mboostLSS. The FDboostLSS-object is a named list containing one list entry per distribution parameter and some attributes. The list is named like the parameters, e.g. mu and sigma, if the parameters mu and sigma are modeled. Each list-element is an object of class FDboost.


Sarah Brockhaus


Brockhaus, S., Scheipl, F., Hothorn, T. and Greven, S. (2015). The functional linear array model. Statistical Modelling, 15(3), 279-300.

Brockhaus, S., Melcher, M., Leisch, F. and Greven, S. (2017): Boosting flexible functional regression models with a high number of functional historical effects, Statistics and Computing, 27(4), 913-926.

Brockhaus, S., Fuest, A., Mayr, A. and Greven, S. (2018): Signal regression models for location, scale and shape with an application to stock returns. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 67, 665-686.

Mayr, A., Fenske, N., Hofner, B., Kneib, T. and Schmid, M. (2012): Generalized additive models for location, scale and shape for high-dimensional data - a flexible approach based on boosting. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 61(3), 403-427.

Rigby, R. A. and D. M. Stasinopoulos (2005): Generalized additive models for location, scale and shape (with discussion). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 54(3), 507-554.

Thomas, J., Mayr, A., Bischl, B., Schmid, M., Smith, A., and Hofner, B. (2018), Gradient boosting for distributional regression - faster tuning and improved variable selection via noncyclical updates. Statistics and Computing, 28, 673-687.

Stoecker, A., Brockhaus, S., Schaffer, S., von Bronk, B., Opitz, M., and Greven, S. (2019): Boosting Functional Response Models for Location, Scale and Shape with an Application to Bacterial Competition.

See Also

Note that FDboostLSS calls FDboost directly.


########### simulate Gaussian scalar-on-function data
n <- 500 ## number of observations
G <- 120 ## number of observations per functional covariate
set.seed(123) ## ensure reproducibility
z <- runif(n) ## scalar covariate
z <- z - mean(z)
s <- seq(0, 1, l=G) ## index of functional covariate
## generate functional covariate
   x <- t(replicate(n, drop(bs(s, df = 5, int = TRUE) %*% runif(5, min = -1, max = 1))))
  x <- matrix(rnorm(n*G), ncol = G, nrow = n)
x <- scale(x, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE) ## center x per observation point

mu <- 2 + 0.5*z + (1/G*x) %*% sin(s*pi)*5 ## true functions for expectation
sigma <- exp(0.5*z - (1/G*x) %*% cos(s*pi)*2) ## for standard deviation

y <- rnorm(mean = mu, sd = sigma, n = n) ## draw respone y_i ~ N(mu_i, sigma_i)

## save data as list containing s as well 
dat_list <- list(y = y, z = z, x = I(x), s = s)

## model fit with noncyclic algorithm assuming Gaussian location scale model 
m_boost <- FDboostLSS(list(mu = y ~ bols(z, df = 2) + bsignal(x, s, df = 2, knots = 16), 
                           sigma = y ~ bols(z, df = 2) + bsignal(x, s, df = 2, knots = 16)), 
                           timeformula = NULL, data = dat_list, method = "noncyclic")

  ## find optimal number of boosting iterations on a grid in 1:1000
  ## using 5-fold bootstrap
  ## takes some time, easy to parallelize on Linux
  cvr <- cvrisk(m_boost, folds = cv(model.weights(m_boost[[1]]), B = 5),
                grid = 1:1000, trace = FALSE)
  ## use model at optimal stopping iterations 
  m_boost <- m_boost[mstop(cvr)] ## 832
  ## plot smooth effects of functional covariates for mu and sigma
  oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1,2))
  plot(m_boost$mu, which = 2, ylim = c(0,5))
  lines(s, sin(s*pi)*5, col = 3, lwd = 2)
  plot(m_boost$sigma, which = 2, ylim = c(-2.5,2.5))
  lines(s, -cos(s*pi)*2, col = 3, lwd = 2)

Fitted values of a boosted functional regression model


Takes a fitted FDboost-object and computes the fitted values.


## S3 method for class 'FDboost'
fitted(object, toFDboost = TRUE, ...)



a fitted FDboost-object


logical, defaults to TRUE. In case of regular response in wide format (i.e., response is supplied as matrix): should the predictions be returned as matrix, or list of matrices instead of vectors


additional arguments passed on to predict.FDboost


matrix or vector of fitted values

See Also

FDboost for the model fit.

Spectral data of fossil fuels


For 129 laboratory samples of fossil fuels the heat value and the humidity were determined together with two spectra. One spectrum is ultraviolet-visible (UV-VIS), measured at 1335 wavelengths in the range of 250.4 to 878.4 nanometer (nm), the other a near infrared spectrum (NIR) measured at 2307 wavelengths in the range of 800.4 to 2779.0 nm. fuelSubset is a subset of the original dataset containing only 10% of the original measures of the spectra, resulting in 231 measures of the NIR spectrum and 134 measures of the UVVIS spectrum.




A data list with 129 observations on the following 7 variables.


heat value in mega joule (mJ)


humidity in percent


near infrared spectrum (NIR)


ultraviolet-visible spectrum (UV-VIS)


wavelength of NIR spectrum in nm


wavelength of UV-VIS spectrum in nm

predicted values of humidity


The aim is to predict the heat value using the spectral data. The variable was generated by a functional linear regression model, using both spectra and their derivatives as predictors.


Siemens AG

Fuchs, K., Scheipl, F. & Greven, S. (2015), Penalized scalar-on-functions regression with interaction term. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 81, 38-51.


data("fuelSubset", package = "FDboost")
    ## center the functional covariates per observed wavelength
    fuelSubset$UVVIS <- scale(fuelSubset$UVVIS, scale = FALSE)
    fuelSubset$NIR <- scale(fuelSubset$NIR, scale = FALSE)

    ## to make mboost::df2lambda() happy (all design matrix entries < 10)
    ## reduce range of argvals to [0,1] to get smaller integration weights
    fuelSubset$uvvis.lambda <- with(fuelSubset, (uvvis.lambda - min(uvvis.lambda)) /
                                          (max(uvvis.lambda) - min(uvvis.lambda) ))
    fuelSubset$nir.lambda <- with(fuelSubset, (nir.lambda - min(nir.lambda)) /
                                          (max(nir.lambda) - min(nir.lambda) ))

    ### fit mean regression model with 100 boosting iterations,
    ### step-length 0.1 and
    mod <- FDboost(heatan ~ bsignal(UVVIS, uvvis.lambda, knots=40, df=4, check.ident=FALSE)
                   + bsignal(NIR, nir.lambda, knots=40, df=4, check.ident=FALSE),
                   timeformula = NULL, data = fuelSubset)
    ## plot(mod)

Functional MRD


Calculates the functional MRD for a fitted FDboost-object


funMRD(object, overTime = TRUE, breaks = object$yind, global = FALSE, ...)



fitted FDboost-object with regular response


per default the functional MRD is calculated over time if overTime=FALSE, the MRD is calculated per curve


an optional vector or number giving the time-points at which the model is evaluated. Can be specified as number of equidistant time-points or as vector of time-points. Defaults to the index of the response in the model.


logical. defaults to FALSE, if TRUE the global MRD like in a normal linear model is calculated


currently not used


Formula to calculate MRD over time, overTime=TRUE:
MRD(t)=n1iYi(t)Y^i(t)/Yi(t)MRD(t) = n^{-1} \sum_i |Y_i(t) - \hat{Y}_i(t)| / |Y_i(t)|

Formula to calculate MRD over subjects, overTime=FALSE:
MRDi=Yi(t)Y^i(t)/Yi(t)dtG1gYi(tg)Y^i(tg)/Yi(t)MRD_{i} = \int |Y_i(t) - \hat{Y}_i(t)| / |Y_i(t)| dt \approx G^{-1} \sum_g |Y_i(t_g) - \hat{Y}_i(t_g)| / |Y_i(t)|


Returns a vector with the calculated MRD and some extra information in attributes.


breaks cannot be changed in the case the bsignal() is used over the same domain as the response! In that case you would have to rename the index of the response or that of the covariates.

Functional MSE


Calculates the functional MSE for a fitted FDboost-object


  overTime = TRUE,
  breaks = object$yind,
  global = FALSE,
  relative = FALSE,
  root = FALSE,



fitted FDboost-object


per default the functional R-squared is calculated over time if overTime=FALSE, the R-squared is calculated per curve


an optional vector or number giving the time-points at which the model is evaluated. Can be specified as number of equidistant time-points or as vector of time-points. Defaults to the index of the response in the model.


logical. defaults to FALSE, if TRUE the global R-squared like in a normal linear model is calculated


logical. defaults to FALSE. If TRUE the MSE is standardized by the global variance of the response
n1i(Yi(t)Yˉ)2dtG1n1gi(Yi(tg)Yˉ)2n^{-1} \int \sum_i (Y_i(t) - \bar{Y})^2 dt \approx G^{-1} n^{-1} \sum_g \sum_i (Y_i(t_g) - \bar{Y})^2


take the square root of the MSE


currently not used


Formula to calculate MSE over time, overTime=TRUE:
MSE(t)=n1i(Yi(t)Y^i(t))2MSE(t) = n^{-1} \sum_i (Y_i(t) - \hat{Y}_i(t))^2

Formula to calculate MSE over subjects, overTime=FALSE:
MSEi=(Yi(t)Y^i(t))2dtG1g(Yi(tg)Y^i(tg))2MSE_i = \int (Y_i(t) - \hat{Y}_i(t))^2 dt \approx G^{-1} \sum_g (Y_i(t_g) - \hat{Y}_i(t_g))^2


Returns a vector with the calculated MSE and some extra information in attributes.


breaks cannot be changed in the case the bsignal() is used over the same domain as the response! In that case you would have to rename the index of the response or that of the covariates.

Plot functional data with linear interpolation of missing values


Plot functional data with linear interpolation of missing values


funplot(x, y, id = NULL, rug = TRUE, ...)



optional, time-vector for plotting


matrix of functional data with functions in rows and measured times in columns; or vector or functional observations, in this case id has to be specified


defaults to NULL for y matrix, is id-variables for y in long format


logical. Should rugs be plotted? Defaults to TRUE.


further arguments passed to matplot.


All observations are marked by a small cross (pch=3). Missing values are imputed by linear interpolation. Parts that are interpolated are plotted by dotted lines, parts with non-missing values as solid lines.


see matplot


### examples for regular data in wide format
with(viscosity, funplot(timeAll, visAll, pch=20))
  with(fda::growth, funplot(age, t(hgtm)))

Functional R-squared


Calculates the functional R-squared for a fitted FDboost-object


funRsquared(object, overTime = TRUE, breaks = object$yind, global = FALSE, ...)



fitted FDboost-object


per default the functional R-squared is calculated over time if overTime=FALSE, the R-squared is calculated per curve


an optional vector or number giving the time-points at which the model is evaluated. Can be specified as number of equidistant time-points or as vector of time-points. Defaults to the index of the response in the model.


logical. defaults to FALSE, if TRUE the global R-squared like in a normal linear model is calculated


currently not used


breaks should be set to some grid, if there are many missing values or time-points with very few observations in the dataset. Otherwise at these points of t the variance will be almost 0 (or even 0 if there is only one observation at a time-point), and then the prediction by the local means μ(t)\mu(t) is locally very good. The observations are interpolated linearly if necessary.

Formula to calculate R-squared over time, overTime=TRUE:
R2(t)=1i(Yi(t)Y^i(t))2/i(Yi(t)Yˉ(t))2R^2(t) = 1 - \sum_{i}( Y_i(t) - \hat{Y}_i(t))^2 / \sum_{i}( Y_i(t) - \bar{Y}(t) )^2

Formula to calculate R-squared over subjects, overTime=FALSE:
Ri2=1(Yi(t)Y^i(t))2dt/(Yi(t)Yˉi)2dtR^2_i = 1 - \int (Y_i(t) - \hat{Y}_i(t))^2 dt / \int (Y_i(t) - \bar{Y}_i )^2 dt


Returns a vector with the calculated R-squared and some extra information in attributes.


breaks cannot be changed in the case the bsignal() is used over the same domain as the response! In that case you would have to rename the index of the response or that of the covariates.


Ramsay, J., Silverman, B. (2006). Functional data analysis. Wiley Online Library. chapter 16.3

Generic functions to asses attributes of functional data objects


Extract attributes of an object.












an R-object, currently implemented for hmatrix and fmatrix


Extract the time variable getTime, the idgetId, the functional covariate getX, its argument values getArgvals. Or the names of the different variables getTimeLab, getIdLab, getXLab, getArgvalsLab.


properties of a hmatrix or fmatrix

See Also

hmatrix for the h.atrix class.

Extract attributes of hmatrix


Extract attributes of an object of class hmatrix.


## S3 method for class 'hmatrix'

## S3 method for class 'hmatrix'

## S3 method for class 'hmatrix'

## S3 method for class 'hmatrix'

## S3 method for class 'hmatrix'

## S3 method for class 'hmatrix'

## S3 method for class 'hmatrix'

## S3 method for class 'hmatrix'



object of class hmatrix


Extract the time variable getTime, the idgetId, the functional covariate getX, its argument values getArgvals. Or the names of the different variables getTimeLab, getIdLab, getXLab, getArgvalsLab for an object of class hmatrix.


properties of a hmatrix

A S3 class for univariate functional data on a common grid


The hmatrix class represents data for a functional historical effect. The class is basically a matrix containing the time and the id for the observations of the functional response. The functional covariate is contained as attribute.


  argvals = 1:ncol(x),
  timeLab = "t",
  idLab = "wideIndex",
  xLab = "x",
  argvalsLab = "s"



set of argument values of the response in long format, i.e. at which t the response curve is observed


specify to which curve the point belongs to, id from 1, 2, ..., n.


matrix of functional covariate, each trajectory is in one row


set of argument values, i.e., the common gird at which the functional covariate is observed, by default 1:ncol(x)


name of the time axis, by default t


name of the id variable, by default wideIndex


name of the functional variable, by default NULL


name of the argument for the covariate by default s


In the hmatrix class the id has to run from i=1, 2, ..., n including all integers from 1 to n. The rows of the functional covariate x correspond to those observations.


An matrix object of type "hmatrix"

See Also

getTime.hmatrix to extract attributes, and ?"[.hmatrix" for the extract method.


## Example for a hmatrix object
t1 <- rep((1:5)/2, each = 3)
id1 <- rep(1:3, 5)
x1 <- matrix(1:15, ncol = 5) 
s1 <- (1:5)/2 
myhmatrix <- hmatrix(time = t1, id = id1, x = x1, argvals = s1, 
                     timeLab = "t1", argvalsLab = "s1", xLab = "test")

# extract with [ keeps attributes 
# select observations of subjects 2 and 3
myhmatrixSub <- myhmatrix[id1 %in% c(2, 3), ]  

# get time
myhmatrix[ , 1] # as column matrix as drop = FALSE
getTime(myhmatrix) # as vector

# get id
myhmatrix[ , 2] # as column matrix as drop = FALSE
getId(myhmatrix) # as vector

# subset hmatrix on the basis of an index, which is defined on the curve level
reweightData(data = list(hmat = myhmatrix), vars = "hmat", index = c(1, 1, 2))
# this keeps only the unique x values in attr(,'x') but multiplies the corresponding
# ids and times in the time id matrix 
# for bhistx baselearner, there may be an additional id variable for the tensor product
newdat <- reweightData(data = list(hmat = myhmatrix, 
  repIDx = rep(1:nrow(attr(myhmatrix,'x')), length(attr(myhmatrix,"argvals")))), 
  vars = "hmat", index = c(1,1,2), idvars="repIDx")

## use hmatrix within a data.frame
mydat <- data.frame(I(myhmatrix), z=rnorm(3)[id1])
str(mydat[id1 %in% c(2, 3), ])
str(myhmatrix[id1 %in% c(2, 3), ])

Functions to compute integration weights


Computes trapezoidal integration weights (Riemann sums) for a functional variable X1 that has evaluation points xind.


integrationWeights(X1, xind, id = NULL)

integrationWeightsLeft(X1, xind, leftWeight = c("first", "mean", "zero"))



for functional data that is observed on one common grid, a matrix containing the observations of the functional variable. For a functional variable that is observed on curve specific grids, a long vector.


evaluation points (index) of functional variable


defaults to NULL. Only necessary for response in long format. In this case id specifies which curves belong together.


one of c("mean", "first", "zero"). With left Riemann sums different assumptions for the weight of the first observation are possible. The default is to use the mean over all integration weights, "mean". Alternatively one can use the first integration weight, "first", or use the distance to zero, "zero".


The function integrationWeights() computes trapezoidal integration weights, that are symmetric. Per default those weights are used in the bsignal-base-learner. In the special case of evaluation points (xind) with equal distances, all integration weights are equal.

The function integrationWeightsLeft() computes weights, that take into account only the distance to the prior observation point. Thus one has to decide what to do with the first observation. The left weights are adequate for historical effects like in bhist.


Matrix with integration

See Also

bsignal and bhist for the base-learners.


## Example for trapezoidal integration weights
xind0 <- seq(0,1,l = 5)
xind <- c(0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.7, 1)
X1 <- matrix(xind^2, ncol = length(xind0), nrow = 2)

# Regualar observation points
integrationWeights(X1, xind0)
# Irregular observation points
integrationWeights(X1, xind)

# with missing value
X1[1,2] <- NA
integrationWeights(X1, xind0)
integrationWeights(X1, xind)

## Example for left integration weights
xind0 <- seq(0,1,l = 5)
xind <- c(0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.7, 1)
X1 <- matrix(xind^2, ncol = length(xind0), nrow = 2)

# Regular observation points
integrationWeightsLeft(X1, xind0, leftWeight = "mean") 
integrationWeightsLeft(X1, xind0, leftWeight = "first") 
integrationWeightsLeft(X1, xind0, leftWeight = "zero")

# Irregular observation points
integrationWeightsLeft(X1, xind, leftWeight = "mean") 
integrationWeightsLeft(X1, xind, leftWeight = "first") 
integrationWeightsLeft(X1, xind, leftWeight = "zero")

# obervation points that do not start with 0
xind2 <- xind + 0.5
integrationWeightsLeft(X1, xind2, leftWeight = "zero")

Test to class of hmatrix


is.hmatrix tests if its argument is an object of class hmatrix.





object of class hmatrix


logical value

Methods for objects of class validateFDboost


Methods for objects that are fitted to determine the optimal mstop and the prediction error of a model fitted by FDboost.


## S3 method for class 'validateFDboost'
mstop(object, riskopt = c("mean", "median"), ...)

## S3 method for class 'validateFDboost'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'validateFDboost'
  riskopt = c("mean", "median"),
  ylab = attr(x, "risk"),
  xlab = "Number of boosting iterations",
  ylim = range(x$oobrisk),
  which = 1,
  modObject = NULL,
  predictNA = FALSE,
  names.arg = NULL,
  ask = TRUE,

  which = NULL,
  pers = TRUE,
  commonRange = TRUE,
  showNumbers = FALSE,
  showQuantiles = TRUE,
  ask = TRUE,
  terms = TRUE,
  probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75),
  ylim = NULL,



object of class validateFDboost


how the risk is minimized to obtain the optimal stopping iteration; defaults to the mean, can be changed to the median.


additional arguments passed to callies.


an object of class validateFDboost.


label for y-axis


label for x-axis


values for limits of y-axis


In the case of plotPredCoef() the subset of base-learners to take into account for plotting. In the case of plot.validateFDboost() the diagnostic plots that are given (1: empirical risk per fold as a funciton of the boosting iterations, 2: empirical risk per fold, 3: MRD per fold, 4: observed and predicted values, 5: residuals; 2-5 for the model with the optimal number of boosting iterations).


if the original model object of class FDboost is given predicted values of the whole model can be compared to the predictions of the cross-validated models


should missing values in the response be predicted? Defaults to FALSE.


names of the observed curves


defaults to TRUE, ask for next plot using par(ask = ask) ?


plot coefficient surfaces as persp-plots? Defaults to TRUE.


plot predicted coefficients on a common range, defaults to TRUE.


show number of curve in plot of predicted coefficients, defaults to FALSE


plot the 0.05 and the 0.95 Quantile of coefficients in 1-dim effects.


logical, defaults to TRUE; plot the added terms (default) or the coefficients?


vector of quantiles to be used in the plotting of 2-dimensional coefficients surfaces, defaults to probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75)


The function mstop.validateFDboost extracts the optimal mstop by minimizing the mean (or the median) risk. plot.validateFDboost plots cross-validated risk, RMSE, MRD, measured and predicted values and residuals as determined by validateFDboost. The function plotPredCoef plots the coefficients that were estimated in the folds - only possible if the argument getCoefCV is TRUE in the call to validateFDboost.


No return value (plot method) or the object itself (print method)

Function to control estimation of smooth offset


Function to control estimation of smooth offset


o_control(k_min = 20, rule = 2, silent = TRUE, cyclic = FALSE, knots = NULL)



maximal number of k in s()


which rule to use in approx() of the response before calculating the global mean, rule=1 means no extrapolation, rule=2 means to extrapolate the closest non-missing value, see approx


print error messages of model fit?


defaults to FALSE, if TRUE cyclic splines are used


arguments knots passed to gam


a list with controls

Methods for objects of class bootstrapCI


Methods for objects that are fitted to compute bootstrap confidence intervals.


## S3 method for class 'bootstrapCI'
  which = NULL,
  pers = TRUE,
  commonRange = TRUE,
  showNumbers = FALSE,
  showQuantiles = TRUE,
  ask = TRUE,
  probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75),
  ylim = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'bootstrapCI'
print(x, ...)



an object of class bootstrapCI.


base-learners that are plotted


plot coefficient surfaces as persp-plots? Defaults to TRUE.


plot predicted coefficients on a common range, defaults to TRUE.


show number of curve in plot of predicted coefficients, defaults to FALSE


plot the 0.05 and the 0.95 Quantile of coefficients in 1-dim effects.


defaults to TRUE, ask for next plot using par(ask = ask)?


vector of quantiles to be used in the plotting of 2-dimensional coefficients surfaces, defaults to probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75)


values for limits of y-axis


additional arguments passed to callies.


plot.bootstrapCI plots the bootstrapped coefficients.


No return value (plot method) or x itself (print method)

Plot the fit or the coefficients of a boosted functional regression model


Takes a fitted FDboost-object produced by FDboost() and plots the fitted effects or the coefficient-functions/surfaces.


## S3 method for class 'FDboost'
  raw = FALSE,
  rug = TRUE,
  which = NULL,
  includeOffset = TRUE,
  ask = TRUE,
  n1 = 40,
  n2 = 40,
  n3 = 20,
  n4 = 11,
  onlySelected = TRUE,
  pers = FALSE,
  commonRange = FALSE,

  subset = NULL,
  posLegend = "topleft",
  lwdObs = 1,
  lwdPred = 1,

plotResiduals(x, subset = NULL, posLegend = "topleft", ...)



a fitted FDboost-object


logical defaults to FALSE. If raw = FALSE for each effect the estimated function/surface is calculated. If raw = TRUE the coefficients of the model are returned.


when TRUE (default) then the covariate to which the plot applies is displayed as a rug plot at the foot of each plot of a 1-d smooth, and the locations of the covariates are plotted as points on the contour plot representing a 2-d smooth.


a subset of base-learners to take into account for plotting.


logical, defaults to TRUE. Should the offset be included in the plot of the intercept (default) or should it be plotted separately.


logical, defaults to TRUE, if several effects are plotted the user has to hit Return to see next plot.


see below


see below


n1, n2, n3 give the number of grid-points for 1-/2-/3-dimensional smooth terms used in the marginal equidistant grids over the range of the covariates at which the estimated effects are evaluated.


gives the number of points for the third dimension in a 3-dimensional smooth term


logical, defaults to TRUE. Only plot effects that where selected in at least one boosting iteration.


logical, defaults to FALSE, If TRUE, perspective plots (persp) for 2- and 3-dimensional effects are drawn. If FALSE, image/contour-plots (image, contour) are drawn for 2- and 3-dimensional effects.


logical, defaults to FALSE, if TRUE the range over all effects is the same (does not affect perspecitve or image plots).


other arguments, passed to funplot (only used in plotPredicted)


subset of the observed response curves and their predictions that is plotted. Per default all observations are plotted.


location of the legend, if a legend is drawn automatically (only used in plotPredicted). The default is "topleft".


lwd of observed curves (only used in plotPredicted)


lwd of predicted curves (only used in plotPredicted)


no return value (plot method)

See Also

FDboost for the model fit and coef.FDboost for the calculation of the coefficient functions.

Prediction for boosted functional regression model


Takes a fitted FDboost-object produced by FDboost() and produces predictions given a new set of values for the model covariates or the original values used for the model fit. This is a wrapper function for predict.mboost()


## S3 method for class 'FDboost'
predict(object, newdata = NULL, which = NULL, toFDboost = TRUE, ...)



a fitted FDboost-object


a named list or a data frame containing the values of the model covariates at which predictions are required. If this is not provided then predictions corresponding to the original data are returned. If newdata is provided then it should contain all the variables needed for prediction, in the format supplied to FDboost, i.e., functional predictors must be supplied as matrices with each row corresponding to one observed function.


a subset of base-learners to take into account for computing predictions or coefficients. If which is given (as an integer vector corresponding to base-learners) a list is returned.


logical, defaults to TRUE. In case of regular response in wide format (i.e. response is supplied as matrix): should the predictions be returned as matrix, or list of matrices instead of vectors


additional arguments passed on to predict.mboost().


a matrix or list of predictions depending on values of unlist and which

See Also

FDboost for the model fit and plotPredicted for a plot of the observed values and their predictions.

Prediction and plotting for factorized FDboost model components


Prediction and plotting for factorized FDboost model components


## S3 method for class 'FDboost_fac'
predict(object, newdata = NULL, which = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'FDboost_fac'
plot(x, which = NULL, main = NULL, ...)


object, x

a model-factor given as a FDboost_fac object


optionally, a data frame or list in which to look for variables with which to predict. See predict.mboost.


a subset of base-learner components to take into account for computing predictions or coefficients. Different components are never aggregated to a joint prediction, but always returned as a matrix or list. Select the k-th component by name in the format bl(x, ...)[k] or all components of a base-learner by dropping the index or all base-learners of a variable by using the variable name.


additional arguments passed to underlying methods.


the plot title. By default, base-learner names are used with component numbers [k].


A matrix of predictions (for predict method) or no return value (plot method)

See Also

[factorize(), factorize.FDboost()]

Residual values of a boosted functional regression model


Takes a fitted FDboost-object and computes the residuals, more precisely the current value of the negative gradient is returned.


## S3 method for class 'FDboost'
residuals(object, ...)



a fitted FDboost-object


not used


The residual is missing if the corresponding value of the response was missing.


matrix of residual values

See Also

FDboost for the model fit.

Function to Reweight Data


Function to Reweight Data


  longvars = NULL,
  idvars = NULL,
  compress = FALSE



a named list or data.frame.


character (vector); name(s) for entries in data giving the index for observed grid points; must be supplied if vars is not supplied.


character (vector); name(s) for entries in data, which are subsetted according to weights or index. Must be supplied if argvals is not supplied.


variables in long format, e.g., a response that is observed at curve specific grids.


vector of weights for observations. Must be supplied if index is not supplied.


vector of indices for observations. Must be supplied if weights is not supplied.


character (vector); index, which is needed to expand vars to be conform with the hmatrix structure when using bhistx-base-learners or to be conform with variables in long format specified in longvars.


logical; whether hmatrix objects are saved in compressed form or not. Default is TRUE. Should be set to FALSE when using reweightData for nested resampling.


reweightData indexes the rows of matrices and / or positions of vectors by using either the index or the weights-argument. To prevent the function from indexing the list entry / entries, which serve as time index for observed grid points of each trajectory of functional observations, the argvals argument (vector of character names for these list entries) can be supplied. If argvals is not supplied, vars must be supplied and it is assumed that argvals is equal to names(data)[!names(data) %in% vars].

When using weights, a weight vector of length N must be supplied, where N is the number of observations. When using index, the vector must contain the index of each row as many times as it shall be included in the new data set.


A list with the reweighted or subsetted data.


David Ruegamer, Sarah Brockhaus


## load data
data("viscosity", package = "FDboost")
interval <- "101"
end <- which(viscosity$timeAll == as.numeric(interval))
viscosity$vis <- log(viscosity$visAll[ , 1:end])
viscosity$time <- viscosity$timeAll[1:end]

## what does data look like

## do some reweighting
# correct weights
str(reweightData(viscosity, vars=c("vis", "T_C", "T_A", "rspeed", "mflow"), 
    argvals = "time", weights = c(0, 32, 32, rep(0, 61))))

str(visNew <- reweightData(viscosity, vars=c("vis", "T_C", "T_A", "rspeed", "mflow"), 
    argvals = "time", weights = c(0, 32, 32, rep(0, 61))))
# check the result
# visNew$vis[1:5, 1:5] ## image(visNew$vis)

# incorrect weights
str(reweightData(viscosity, vars=c("vis", "T_C", "T_A", "rspeed", "mflow"), 
    argvals = "time", weights = sample(1:64, replace = TRUE)), 1)

# supply meaningful index
str(visNew <- reweightData(viscosity, vars = c("vis", "T_C", "T_A", "rspeed", "mflow"), 
              argvals = "time", index = rep(1:32, each = 2)))
# check the result
# visNew$vis[1:5, 1:5]

# errors
   reweightData(viscosity, argvals = "")
   reweightData(viscosity, argvals = "covThatDoesntExist", index = rep(1,64))

Stability Selection


Function for stability selection with functional response. Per default the sampling is done on the level of curves and if the model contains a smooth functional intercept, this intercept is refittedn in each sampling fold.


## S3 method for class 'FDboost'
  refitSmoothOffset = TRUE,
  folds = cvLong(x$id, weights = rep(1, l = length(x$id)), type = "subsampling", B = B),
  B = ifelse(sampling.type == "MB", 100, 50),
  assumption = c("unimodal", "r-concave", "none"),
  sampling.type = c("SS", "MB"),
  papply = mclapply,
  verbose = TRUE,
  eval = TRUE,



fitted FDboost-object


logical, should the offset be refitted in each learning sample? Defaults to TRUE.


cutoff between 0.5 and 1. Preferably a value between 0.6 and 0.9 should be used.


number of (unique) selected variables (or groups of variables depending on the model) that are selected on each subsample.


upper bound for the per-family error rate. This specifies the amount of falsely selected base-learners, which is tolerated. See details of stabsel.


a weight matrix with number of rows equal to the number of observations, see {cvLong}. Usually one should not change the default here as subsampling with a fraction of 1/2 is needed for the error bounds to hold. One usage scenario where specifying the folds by hand might be the case when one has dependent data (e.g. clusters) and thus wants to draw clusters (i.e., multiple rows together) not individuals.


number of subsampling replicates. Per default, we use 50 complementary pairs for the error bounds of Shah & Samworth (2013) and 100 for the error bound derived in Meinshausen & Buehlmann (2010). As we use B complementary pairs in the former case this leads to 2B subsamples.


Defines the type of assumptions on the distributions of the selection probabilities and simultaneous selection probabilities. Only applicable for sampling.type = "SS". For sampling.type = "MB" we always use "none".


use sampling scheme of of Shah & Samworth (2013), i.e., with complementary pairs (sampling.type = "SS"), or the original sampling scheme of Meinshausen & Buehlmann (2010).


(parallel) apply function, defaults to mclapply. Alternatively, parLapply can be used. In the latter case, usually more setup is needed (see example of cvrisk for some details).


logical (default: TRUE) that determines wether warnings should be issued.


logical. Determines whether stability selection is evaluated (eval = TRUE; default) or if only the parameter combination is returned.


additional arguments to cvrisk or validateFDboost.


The number of boosting iterations is an important hyper-parameter of the boosting algorithms and can be chosen using the functions cvrisk.FDboost and validateFDboost as they compute honest, i.e. out-of-bag, estimates of the empirical risk for different numbers of boosting iterations. The weights (zero weights correspond to test cases) are defined via the folds matrix, see cvrisk in package mboost. See Hofner et al. (2015) for the combination of stability selection and component-wise boosting.


An object of class stabsel with a special print method. For the elements of the object, see stabsel


B. Hofner, L. Boccuto and M. Goeker (2015), Controlling false discoveries in high-dimensional situations: boosting with stability selection. BMC Bioinformatics, 16, 1-17.

N. Meinshausen and P. Buehlmann (2010), Stability selection. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 72, 417-473.

R.D. Shah and R.J. Samworth (2013), Variable selection with error control: another look at stability selection. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 75, 55-80.

See Also

stabsel to perform stability selection for a mboost-object.


######## Example for function-on-scalar-regression
data("viscosity", package = "FDboost")
## set time-interval that should be modeled
interval <- "101"

## model time until "interval" and take log() of viscosity
end <- which(viscosity$timeAll == as.numeric(interval))
viscosity$vis <- log(viscosity$visAll[,1:end])
viscosity$time <- viscosity$timeAll[1:end]
# with(viscosity, funplot(time, vis, pch = 16, cex = 0.2))

## fit a model cotaining all main effects 
modAll <- FDboost(vis ~ 1 
          + bolsc(T_C, df=1) %A0% bbs(time, df=5) 
          + bolsc(T_A, df=1) %A0% bbs(time, df=5)
          + bolsc(T_B, df=1) %A0% bbs(time, df=5)
          + bolsc(rspeed, df=1) %A0% bbs(time, df=5)
          + bolsc(mflow, df=1) %A0% bbs(time, df=5), 
       timeformula = ~bbs(time, df=5), 
       numInt = "Riemann", family = QuantReg(), 
       offset = NULL, offset_control = o_control(k_min = 10),
       data = viscosity, 
       control = boost_control(mstop = 100, nu = 0.2))

## create folds for stability selection  
## only 5 folds for a fast example, usually use 50 folds 
folds <- cvLong(modAll$id, weights = rep(1, l = length(modAll$id)), 
                type = "subsampling", B = 5) 
## stability selection with refit of the smooth intercept 
stabsel_parameters(q = 3, PFER = 1, p = 6, sampling.type = "SS")
sel1 <- stabsel(modAll, q = 3, PFER = 1, folds = folds, grid = 1:200, sampling.type = "SS")

## stability selection without refit of the smooth intercept 
sel2 <- stabsel(modAll, refitSmoothOffset = FALSE, q = 3, PFER = 1, 
                folds = folds, grid = 1:200, sampling.type = "SS")

Subsets hmatrix according to an index


Subsets hmatrix according to an index


subset_hmatrix(x, index, compress = TRUE)



hmatix object that should be subsetted


integer vector with (possibly duplicated) indices for each curve to select


logical, defaults to TRUE. Only used to force a meaningful behaviour of applyFolds with hmatrix objects when using nested resampling.


This methods is primary useful when subsetting repeatedly.


a hmatrix object


t1 <- rep((1:5)/2, each = 3)
id1 <- rep(1:3, 5)
x1 <- matrix(1:15, ncol = 5) 
s1 <- (1:5)/2 
hmat <- hmatrix(time = t1, id = id1, x = x1, argvals = s1, timeLab = "t1", 
                argvalsLab = "s1", xLab = "test")

index1 <- c(1, 1, 3)
index2 <- c(2, 3, 3)
resMat <- subset_hmatrix(hmat, index = index1)
try(resMat2 <- subset_hmatrix(resMat, index = index2))
resMat <- subset_hmatrix(hmat, index = index1, compress = FALSE)
try(resMat2 <- subset_hmatrix(resMat, index = index2))

Print and summary of a boosted functional regression model


Takes a fitted FDboost-object and produces a print to the console or a summary.


## S3 method for class 'FDboost'
summary(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'FDboost'
print(x, ...)



a fitted FDboost-object


currently not used


a fitted FDboost-object


a list with information on the model / a list with summary information

See Also

FDboost for the model fit.

Function to truncate time in functional data


Function to truncate time in functional data


truncateTime(funVar, time, newtime, data)



names of functional variables that should be truncated


name of time variable


new time vector that should be used. Must be part of the old time-line.


list containing all the data


A list with the data containing all variables of the original dataset with the variables of funVar truncated according to newtime.


All variables that are not part if funVar, or time are simply copied into the new data list


  dat <- fda::growth
  dat$hgtm <- t(dat$hgtm[,1:10])
  dat$hgtf <- t(dat$hgtf[,1:10])
  ## only use time-points 1:16 of variable age
  datTr <- truncateTime(funVar=c("hgtm","hgtf"), time="age", newtime=1:16, data=dat)
  oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
  with(dat, funplot(age, hgtm, main="Original data"))
  with(datTr, funplot(age, hgtm, main="Yearly data"))

Function to update FDboost objects


Function to update FDboost objects


## S3 method for class 'FDboost'
  weights = NULL,
  oobweights = NULL,
  risk = NULL,
  trace = NULL,
  evaluate = TRUE



fitted FDboost-object

weights, oobweights, risk, trace

see ?FDboost


Additional arguments to the call, or arguments with changed values.


If true evaluate the new call else return the call.


Returns the call of (evaluate = FALSE) or the updated (evaluate = TRUE) FDboost model


David Ruegamer


######## Example from \code{?FDboost}
data("viscosity", package = "FDboost") 
## set time-interval that should be modeled
interval <- "101"

## model time until "interval" and take log() of viscosity
end <- which(viscosity$timeAll == as.numeric(interval))
viscosity$vis <- log(viscosity$visAll[,1:end])
viscosity$time <- viscosity$timeAll[1:end]
# with(viscosity, funplot(time, vis, pch = 16, cex = 0.2))

mod1 <- FDboost(vis ~ 1 + bolsc(T_C, df = 2) + bolsc(T_A, df = 2),
               timeformula = ~ bbs(time, df = 4),
               numInt = "equal", family = QuantReg(),
               offset = NULL, offset_control = o_control(k_min = 9),
               data = viscosity, control=boost_control(mstop = 10, nu = 0.4))
# update nu
mod2 <- update(mod1, control=boost_control(nu = 1)) # mstop will stay the same
# update mstop
mod3 <- update(mod2, control=boost_control(mstop = 100)) # nu=1 does not get changed
mod4 <- update(mod1, formula = vis ~ 1 + bolsc(T_C, df = 2)) # drop one term

Cross-Validation and Bootstrapping over Curves


DEPRECATED! The function validateFDboost() is deprecated, use applyFolds and bootstrapCI instead.


  response = NULL,
  folds = cv(rep(1, length(unique(object$id))), type = "bootstrap"),
  grid = 1:mstop(object),
  fun = NULL,
  getCoefCV = TRUE,
  riskopt = c("mean", "median"),
  mrdDelete = 0,
  refitSmoothOffset = TRUE,
  showProgress = TRUE,



fitted FDboost-object


optional, specify a response vector for the computation of the prediction errors. Defaults to NULL which means that the response of the fitted model is used.


a weight matrix with number of rows equal to the number of observed trajectories.


the grid over which the optimal number of boosting iterations (mstop) is searched.


if fun is NULL, the out-of-bag risk is returned. fun, as a function of object, may extract any other characteristic of the cross-validated models. These are returned as is.


logical, defaults to TRUE. Should the coefficients and predictions be computed for all the models on the sampled data?


how is the optimal stopping iteration determined. Defaults to the mean, but median is possible as well.


Delete values that are mrdDelete percent smaller than the mean of the response. Defaults to 0 which means that only response values being 0 are not used in the calculation of the MRD (= mean relative deviation).


logical, should the offset be refitted in each learning sample? Defaults to TRUE. In cvrisk the offset of the original model fit in object is used in all folds.


logical, defaults to TRUE.


further arguments passed to mclapply


The number of boosting iterations is an important hyper-parameter of boosting and can be chosen using the function validateFDboost as they compute honest, i.e., out-of-bag, estimates of the empirical risk for different numbers of boosting iterations.

The function validateFDboost is especially suited to models with functional response. Using the option refitSmoothOffset the offset is refitted on each fold. Note, that the function validateFDboost expects folds that give weights per curve without considering integration weights. The integration weights of object are used to compute the empirical risk as integral. The argument response can be useful in simulation studies where the true value of the response is known but for the model fit the response is used with noise.


The function validateFDboost returns a validateFDboost-object, which is a named list containing:


the response


the observation points of the response


the id variable of the response


folds that were used


grid of possible numbers of boosting iterations


if getCoefCV is TRUE the estimated coefficient functions in the folds


if getCoefCV is TRUE the out-of-bag predicted values of the response


if the type of folds is curves the out-of-bag predictions for each trajectory


the out-of-bag risk


the out-of-bag risk at the minimal mean risk


the out-of-bag mean squared error (MSE)


the out-of-bag relative mean squared error (relMSE)


the out-of-bag mean relative deviation (MRD)


the out-of-bag risk without consideration of integration weights


the out-of-bag mean squared error (MSE) without consideration of integration weights


the out-of-bag mean relative deviation (MRD) without consideration of integration weights


one of "FDboostLong" or "FDboost" depending on the class of the object


list of what fun returns if fun was specified


 ## load the data
 data("CanadianWeather", package = "fda")
 ## use data on a daily basis 
 canada <- with(CanadianWeather, 
                list(temp = t(dailyAv[ , , "Temperature.C"]),
                     l10precip = t(dailyAv[ , , "log10precip"]),
                     l10precip_mean = log(colMeans(dailyAv[ , , ""]), base = 10),
                     lat = coordinates[ , "N.latitude"],
                     lon = coordinates[ , "W.longitude"],
                     region = factor(region),
                     place = factor(place),
                     day = 1:365,  ## corresponds to t: evaluation points of the fun. response 
                     day_s = 1:365))  ## corresponds to s: evaluation points of the fun. covariate
## center temperature curves per day 
canada$tempRaw <- canada$temp
canada$temp <- scale(canada$temp, scale = FALSE) 
rownames(canada$temp) <- NULL ## delete row-names 
## fit the model  
mod <- FDboost(l10precip ~ 1 + bolsc(region, df = 4) + 
                 bsignal(temp, s = day_s, cyclic = TRUE, boundary.knots = c(0.5, 365.5)), 
               timeformula = ~ bbs(day, cyclic = TRUE, boundary.knots = c(0.5, 365.5)), 
               data = canada)
mod <- mod[75]

  #### create folds for 3-fold bootstrap: one weight for each curve
  folds_bs <- cv(weights = rep(1, mod$ydim[1]), type = "bootstrap", B = 3)

  ## compute out-of-bag risk on the 3 folds for 1 to 75 boosting iterations  
  cvr <- applyFolds(mod, folds = folds_bs, grid = 1:75)

  ## compute out-of-bag risk and coefficient estimates on folds  
  cvr2 <- validateFDboost(mod, folds = folds_bs, grid = 1:75)

  ## weights per observation point  
  folds_bs_long <- folds_bs[rep(1:nrow(folds_bs), times = mod$ydim[2]), ]
  attr(folds_bs_long, "type") <- "3-fold bootstrap"
  ## compute out-of-bag risk on the 3 folds for 1 to 75 boosting iterations  
  cvr3 <- cvrisk(mod, folds = folds_bs_long, grid = 1:75)

  ## plot the out-of-bag risk
  oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1,3))
  plot(cvr); legend("topright", lty=2, paste(mstop(cvr)))
  plot(cvr3); legend("topright", lty=2, paste(mstop(cvr3)))

  ## plot the estimated coefficients per fold
  ## more meaningful for higher number of folds, e.g., B = 100 
  par(mfrow = c(2,2))
  plotPredCoef(cvr2, terms = FALSE, which = 1)
  plotPredCoef(cvr2, terms = FALSE, which = 3)
  ## compute out-of-bag risk and predictions for leaving-one-curve-out cross-validation
  cvr_jackknife <- validateFDboost(mod, folds = cvLong(unique(mod$id), 
                                   type = "curves"), grid = 1:75)
  ## plot oob predictions per fold for 3rd effect 
  plotPredCoef(cvr_jackknife, which = 3) 
  ## plot coefficients per fold for 2nd effect
  plotPredCoef(cvr_jackknife, which = 2, terms = FALSE)


Viscosity of resin over time


In an experimental setting the viscosity of resin was measured over time to asses the curing process depending on 5 binary factors (low-high).




A data list with 64 observations on the following 7 variables.


viscosity measures over all available time points


time points of viscosity measures


temperature of tools


temperature of resin


temperature of curing agent


rotational speed


mass flow


The aim is to determine factors that affect the curing process in the mold. The desired viscosity-curve has low values in the beginning followed by a sharp increase. Due to technical reasons the measuring method of the rheometer has to be changed in a certain range of viscosity. The first observations are measured by rotation of a blade giving observations every two seconds, the later observations are measured through oscillation of a blade giving observations every ten seconds. In the later observations the resin is quite hard so the measurements should be interpreted as a qualitative measure of hardening.


Wolfgang Raffelt, Technical University of Munich, Institute for Carbon Composites


data("viscosity", package = "FDboost")
 ## set time-interval that should be modeled
 interval <- "101"

 ## model time until "interval" and take log() of viscosity
 end <- which(viscosity$timeAll==as.numeric(interval))
 viscosity$vis <- log(viscosity$visAll[,1:end])
 viscosity$time <- viscosity$timeAll[1:end]
 ## fit median regression model with 100 boosting iterations,
 ## step-length 0.4 and smooth time-specific offset
 ## the factors are in effect coding -1, 1 for the levels
 mod <- FDboost(vis ~ 1 + bols(T_C, contrasts.arg = "contr.sum", intercept=FALSE)
                + bols(T_A, contrasts.arg = "contr.sum", intercept=FALSE),
                timeformula=~bbs(time, lambda=100),
                numInt="equal", family=QuantReg(),
                offset=NULL, offset_control = o_control(k_min = 9),
                data=viscosity, control=boost_control(mstop = 100, nu = 0.4))

Transform id and time of wide format into long format


Transform id and time from wide format into long format, i.e., time and id are repeated accordingly so that two vectors of the same length are returned.


wide2long(time, id)



the observation points


the id for the curve


a list with time and id